Now available: “Deliberate Harm” by J.R. Wolfe

cover_Deliberate-Harm_500x800We are pleased to announce the publication of a page-turning new suspense thriller: Deliberate Harm by J.R. Wolfe.

Portia Marks lost her fiancée, Imma, to the unthinkable—a terrorist organization that kidnapped and executed Imma as a show of power to the world.

Bereft without Imma, Portia drowns out her grief by day with work and by night with alcohol, her life in a holding pattern, until one night, a stranger approaches her with tantalizing information: Imma was actually never executed but is on the run from her captors. But the stranger is gunned down in front of Portia before she can find out more. Determined to learn the truth, she begins a worldwide search that puts her in the crosshairs of the CIA, corrupt international governments, and a terrorist organization about to set off the world’s first dirty bomb.

With twists and turns that will keep you guessing with each new chapter, Deliberate Harm is a gem of a book from an exciting new author.

Deliberate Harm is available as ebook at amazonAppleand Kobo. More platforms will follow soon.

Enjoy the read!

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. CJ July 22, 2015 at 08:03 - Reply

    Sounds fascinating!

  2. Kathy Brodland July 22, 2015 at 10:04 - Reply

    Well this is definitely going in my TBR list!

  3. Nikki Busch July 22, 2015 at 10:33 - Reply

    Congratulations, J.R.! This riveting adventure thriller had me glued to my seat. It’s refreshingly different and I can’t wait to see how much others enjoy it.

  4. Marie Foose July 22, 2015 at 16:54 - Reply

    This sounds like my kind of book! Looking forward to this one!

  5. Cindy G July 22, 2015 at 21:50 - Reply

    Oh, this sounds really good…

  6. Patricia Hein August 1, 2015 at 02:46 - Reply

    Congratulations Jeanne! This is an awesome book with very interesting characters, great settings and lots of intrigue. It is definitely hard to put down and had my heart pounding at times. Great suspense!

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