New at Ylva Publishing : Georgette Kaplan

Picture of Ylva Publishing author Georgette KaplanPizza, Cheerleaders, and…Vampires?

We’ve done it again: Ylva has found a marvelous new talent we can’t wait to show off—Mississippi author Georgette Kaplan.

Ylva will publish Kaplan’s debut, Ex-Wives of Dracula, a book as cheeky as you might expect from its title, early next year. A young adult lesbian vampire novel with its tongue pressed firmly in cheek, Ex-Wives of Dracula is a humorous tale of first love, high school angst, and the undead that speaks to the nerdy teenager in all of us.

We first found Georgette minding her own business in her favorite place to do writing—her swing porch on the banks of the Mississippi. With a first novel that sparks like this, we expect great things of her. We think it’s really worth checking out.


About Ex-Wives of Dracula

What’s worse than falling in love with a straight girl? Falling in love with a straight girl who drinks blood.

High school senior Mindy Murphy, has been questioning her small town life forever and, more recently, her sexuality. Maybe it has something to do with her old friend, Lucia West, who was once her bestie but is nowadays captain of the cheer team, winner of the Boyfriend Olympics, and voted least likely to remember Mindy at their high school reunion. In short, possibly the worst person alive for Mindy to crush on.

Except that Lucia’s no longer exactly alive.

When Lucia is bitten by a vampire, the only way to keep her alive is to find her a regular source of blood; the only way to cure her forever is to slay the vampire that turned her. It all sounds insurmountable to a small-town high school senior who’d really just like to get a date with her old best friend over some pizza. But when Lucia surprises Mindy with a kiss, Mindy decides there’s hope for her crush after all.

If they can just get this pesky vampire business settled.

Look for Ex-Wives of Dracula in the dark shadows of early 2016.

Learn more about Georgette Kaplan

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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