New releases from L.T. Smith and Hazel Yeats

Ah, romance, so many flavors. What’s your favorite? This week we release two very different kinds of romance: one about family, friendship and, love found where you least expect it and another that’s an intriguing gothic mystery involving a strange house, nightmares, and a sixty-year-old family mystery.

Read on to find out more about L.T. Smith’s latest, Driving Me Mad and a the debut novel by Hazel Yeats, Bunny Finds a Friend.


Driving Me Mad by LT Smith

Driving Me Mad by L.T. Smith

L.T. Smith‘s new novel, Driving Me Mad is romance with a gothic twist, about an executive who gets far more than she bargained for when she stops at a rural house in the English countryside.

After driving around for hours looking for a work convention, Rebecca Gibson asks for directions at an isolated house on the outskirts of Kirk Langley, Derbyshire. The owner, Annabel Howell, seems odd and a bit disquieting, but at Annabel’s insistence, Rebecca stays the night. That’s when Rebecca’s distressing nightmares begin.

The next day, Rebecca begins to wonder if her nightmares have blended with her reality. One thing she knows for sure, her life has been forever changed. Can Rebecca solve a mystery that has been plaguing her family for sixty years? Will she find love along the way? Or will these events drive her mad?

If you’re a fan of the fine tradition of English Gothic romances, Driving Me Mad is totally for you. Buy it now in multiple e-book formats exclusively in the Ylva shop.



Cover to Ylva Publishing's Bunny Finds a Friend by Hazel Yeats

Bunny Finds a Friend by Hazel Yeats

Do you like your romance light and heartwarming with a good dose of humor? Then you might want to check out Bunny Finds a Friend, the new lesbian romance novel by debut author Hazel Yeats. Set in Amsterdam, a magical city with picturesque canals and a laid-back attitude, this book tells the stor of Dutch woman Cara and American children’s book writer Jude, who have possibly the cutest meet-cute ever when Cara discovers in a department store that the store Santa is actually a gorgeous Ms. Claus. It’s the beginning of a beautiful relationship, as they say.

But as the coming of spring indeed turns Cara and Jude’s thoughts toward love, there is an essential problem: both of them have had bad luck with relationships, and neither feels like she can trust this compelling thing developing between them.

Then Cara thinks her lack of trust was well-founded when Jude breaks up with her unexpectedly. It’s going to take Cara’s meddling sisters and a hilarious road trip to convince Cara to set things right and pursue her happily-ever-after.

Bunny Finds a Friend is a funny, sweet novel about all the things that make life worth living: love, family, humor—and books! Don’t forget books! Buy it now in multiple e-book formats exclusively in the Ylva online shop.

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About the Author : Michelle Aguilar

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