Vive la différence! Two new lesbian romances by JD Glass and KD Williamson





What do a contemporary medical romance and a romantic urban fantasy have in common?

Well, honestly, our two new releases this week—Blurred Lines by debut author KD Williamson and First Blood by veteran author JD Glass—really couldn’t be from more different genres. But they do have a few things in common:


  1. They’re both about saving people—sure, one in hospitals, the other in a shadowy underworld of London, but still, saving people!
  2. They’re both all about strong women who must work together in the face of tragedy.
  3. They’re both are about friendships that evolve into sexual attraction.


So, if you’re looking for romance between independent-minded, competent women with some baggage to overcome before they can earn that satisfying relationship we know they’re capable of, check out both these novels. Which one suits your taste and mood best is a question only you can decide, but whichever one you pick, you’ll get a winner.

Read more below about First Blood by JD Glass and Blurred Lines by KD Williamson


Blurred Lines by KD Williamson


Blurred Lines

It just came out yesterday, and this debut novel already has multiple five-star reviews on Goodreads. Put together a socially challenged doctor and a brusque, opinionated cop in a hospital environment and the sparks are bound to fly. And fly they do. In the face of a tragedy, Nora, a doctor who likes to be in control—and is respected but not well-liked by her colleagues—finds herself working with Kelli, a opinionated, no-nonsense cop who couldn’t be more different. But circumstances keep bringing them together, and they soon find themselves falling into friendship and, eventually, love.

Will these two women’s baggage keep them apart, or can they find a way to cross the lines blurring between them? Buy Blurred Lines by KD Williamson now exclusively in the Ylva online shop.




First Blood

Unless you’ve got werewolves in your family or something, Samantha Cray’s family secrets beat out yours—hands down.

When the aftermath of a tragedy causes Samantha Cray to stay for a while in Europe, she gets more than she bargained for. Some people go to Europe to study their genealogical history, but Samantha’s visit to Europe reveals her genealogical destiny as The Wielder. She is invited to join The Circle, a group that works in the shadows to fight back against a mysterious force they call The Dark.

When Samantha’s longtime best friend, Fran, visits her in London to join the fight against The Dark, the training the two women undergo brings them closer together than ever before, and Samantha is surprised to find her feelings for Fran turning romantic.

But The Dark is always looking for the next place to strike. Can Samantha and Fran defeat this force and keep burgeoning their romance alive, or will The Dark take its blood sacrifice yet again? Buy First Blood by JD Glass now, exclusively in the Ylva shop.

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About the Author : Michelle Aguilar

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