Lesbian fiction anthology blog tour and giveaway—Come on tour with us and win a copy of Finding Ms. Write

Finding Ms. Write

To celebrate the release of our book people anthology, Finding Ms. Write, we’re hosting a book tour—and we’re making it a virtual one so you can all join us.

Every day for the next eleven days, our authors will blog and share their “stories behind the stories” with us.

Jove Belle, one of the anthology’s co-editors, will kick off the tour today, so head on over to Jove’s blog and take a look.

The book tour will also include a giveaway. All you have to do to enter the drawing for an e-book copy of Finding Ms. Write is leave a comment on any blog on the tour. We will announce the five lucky winners on the last day of the tour, June 25.

Check back every day or follow us on Facebook or Twitter, where we’ll share the links to all stops of the book tour.

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About the Author : Daniela

1 Comment

  1. Terri June 16, 2016 at 03:04 - Reply

    Can’t wait

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