June 2016 Was Ylva’s LGBTQ+ Young Adult/New Adult Month


So, this was Ylva’s first Young Adult/New Adult month ever! A lot of authors blogged for us about topics related to queer YA/NA. In case you missed some of the great posts, we collected all of them. In June, we also offered all of our YA/NA e-books at a discount – actually, we still do. Today is your last chance to get them at a reduced price.

June started with Astrid Ohletz blogging about her experience with LGBTQ+ YA/NA literature. Ellen Simpson then wrote about diversity in YA/NA; Michelle L. Teichman explained the importance of queer story(re)telling; Blythe Rippon blogged about fanfiction, and last but not least, Shira Glassman let us participate in her knowledge about science fiction and fantasy in young adult fiction.

If you haven’t read those moving articles, here is your chance to catch up:

LGBTQ+ Characters in YA Literature (Astrid Ohletz)

On Straight ‘Ambassadors’ and the Problem of Diversity in Queer YA Literature (Ellen Simpson)

Why we breathe life into LGBTQ+ YA fiction (Michelle L. Teichman)

(Fan)fiction, Queer Representation, and Identity (Blythe Rippon)

Dragons, queens and trans widows—Queer Science Fiction and Fantasy in YA (Shira Glassman)

Ylva Publishing | New/Young adult

By the way, our next theme month will be in August: mystery month! We are already excited about the blog posts on that topic. They will be published again right here on the Ylva blog.

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About the Author : Daniela

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