Ylva Meets the Skala Eressos Women’s Festival 2016—Women, Wine, and Words

AL Brooks reading at WWW

AL Brooks reading at WWW

Of course, the wine is optional, some of us prefer tap water.

The WWW part of the festival runs for both weeks and is a nice relaxing thing to do before a late dinner followed by a party or the theatre. This year it was hosted by Karolina from the outdoor terrace of Gabbi and Yannis’ beautiful garden restaurant.

People shared their prose or poetry, whether it be work in progress, already published work, or even some personal anecdotes – it’s an anything goes sort of event in a relaxed, happy, and totally encouraging atmosphere.

I read from The Tea Machine – the ‘Lord Bryon in the coal hole’ scene where Sophia meets Gallo for the first time.

The following week was equally as exciting as fellow Ylva author, A.L. Brooks rolled into town, and we all know what that means! I managed to strong-arm her into giving a reading. ‘Al’ (as I like to call her when she’s out of earshot) kindly read from her erotic romance, The Club. Luckily she chose a slightly less steamy scene as the terrace is covered in dried palm fronds and we didn’t want an incendiary incident. Though, if you look at the attached pic you can see a little smoke rising on the right. Just a tiny bit, but I was there in an instant with a glass of water.

Refusing to be upstaged by my pal Al, or any other smouldering object, I read from Welcome to the Wallops – the scene where Jane vomits on Renata’s bare feet. It felt appropriate as I was nervous.

My pal Al and I survived the evening with rapturous applause and minor smoke inhalation to move on for a wonderful mezze dinner followed by the Fashion Show, which was a hoot.

Ylva author Gill McKnight reporting on Women, Wine, and Words at Skala Eressos

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1 Comment

  1. Loek Krancher September 28, 2016 at 16:27 - Reply

    OMG, I was there too and I have missed the whole event. Damn!

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