Which Writing Queen Reigned Supreme? Vote for Your Ylva Book of the Year and Win!


From vampires, assassins, thieves, cooks, heiresses, detectives and doctors to swashbuckling alien sword masters, Ylva has had a richly diverse publishing year. The biggest-selling e-book this year for us was  Blurred Lines by K.D. Williamson, ahead of Wounded Souls (R.J. Nolan) and Crossing Lines (also K.D. Williamson), which shows our readers really love their “cops and docs” romances.

Putting aside sales figures alone, let’s talk favorites. Which book captured your heart, and became an instant must-read-again classic? Which book did you nag your friends excitedly about, that they absolutely had to, HAD TO read now? What was the Ylva Book of the Year 2016 for you?

The rules to enter are simple – one vote per person. To vote, click the circle beside your favorite book on our list of forty-four titles. The winning author, who gets bragging rights, will be the one who has the most votes come January 8, 2017 at 12.01am EST time. We’ll let you know who won shortly afterwards.


Wait, there’s more!

On top of this: If you let us know WHY you liked the book so much, you could be one of four readers who will win a signed copy of one of these popular Ylva 2016 releases:

Requiem for Immortals by Lee Winter
Welcome to the Wallops by Gill McKnight
Collide-O-Scope by Andrea Bramhall
Heart Trouble by Jae

To be in the running for this prize, just scroll down to the comments section at the end of this blog, and write the book name you voted for and your reasons for liking it. After January 8, we will randomly draw four lucky winners who will each be sent a signed paperback. The contest is open to anyone in the world.

Get out and vote and tell your friends!


The contenders:

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About the Author : Lee Winter


  1. Anne January 2, 2017 at 13:46

    I enjoyed many of Yvla’s books this year but especially “The Law Game” series… they were all good but I really enjoy Andi Marquette’s writing and humorous tone. Thank you Ylva for doing what you do…

  2. Julee January 2, 2017 at 13:57

    This was actually a pretty hard choice, but Four Steps has been one of those books that have stayed with me. One where you randomly think about it and what happened to a character at a certain time in the book.

  3. Jules Worth January 2, 2017 at 14:10

    Requiem for Immortals by Lee Winter
    Lee has created an unforgettable character in Natalya/Requiem, a strong yet vulnerable contrast, who fitted in easily in the haute couture of classical music and walked readily in the seedy Australian underworld. I also loved the other love interest she created, a brilliant and intelligent woman, unafraid of her own heart. A very unforgettable novel.

  4. Melanie January 2, 2017 at 14:13

    Since I have only read six books out of the many books that have been released in 2016 my vote is hardly fair, but I have chosen “Welcome to the Wallops” as my favorite 2016 Ylva book. After I immensely enjoyed “The tea-machine”, the Wallops have been my personal must-read last year. Gill McKnight is a funny author who never fails to enlargen my English vocabulary.
    I also liked the new Lee Winter and Jae novels.
    Note to whoever is in charge of randomly drawing winners – please count me out, since I am already in possession of all four winners books. Keep up the good work!

  5. April January 2, 2017 at 14:18

    I really enjoyed Blurred Lines by KD Williamson because Kelli and Nora were polar opposites of each other and I fell in love with both characters. Kelli uses humor to hide her feelings and she curses a lot but underneath her tough exterior she has a great love for family. Even though Nora appears to be unapproachable to many of the hospital staff, she too yearns for affection but she doesn’t know how to deal with the way that she feels about Kelli, oh and I just love the fact that she has a pet pig! I’m an animal lover so the fact that Nora has a pet made me like her even more.

  6. Carol January 2, 2017 at 14:23

    It has been my first year purchasing publications by Yvla, and I voted for A E Radley Flight SQA016. I found it emotional and a journey from start to finish that i throughly enjoyed and connected with in such a deep and meanigful way as the characters are just so easy to become obsessed with. Now I am awaiting the squeal with great anticipation. I am a writer of fanfiction myself and can only aspire to be as talented as the writers who are published by yourselves.

  7. Abbey January 2, 2017 at 14:25

    Requiem was for me the best book of the year across all publishers.also the added bonus of that soundtrack 🙂 I loved the law game series.

  8. Pamela Marshall January 2, 2017 at 14:31

    Four steps is a triumph of a first novel!

  9. Amy January 2, 2017 at 14:35

    I would vote, but since I have only read 2 of the books. I don’t feel that is fair to all the books on the list. Especially since at least 2/3 of the books are on my tbr list

  10. Gillian Roberts January 2, 2017 at 14:47

    Four Steps. I loved it so much I couldn’t wait to turn the next page. I had grown to like the characters so much, I almost missed them when the book was finished.

  11. Dani January 2, 2017 at 15:00

    Requiem for Immortals by Lee Winter
    To me this was the book of the year – and not from the books YLVA published but from all books that have been published. I loved it so much I had to buy the paperback book although I had the ebook already, but special books need to be on the shelf so I can touch and turn the pages, smell the paper and just turn to my favorite scenes again and again and again. Natalya was such a special character and although it’s not always easy to like the killer, I loved her from the very beginning. The twist in the story was very interesting and there was just the right amount of love involved.

  12. Sarah Riv January 2, 2017 at 15:01

    I have to read all these comments and figure out who I’m going to read next!

    But I vote for Jae’s heart trouble! I go through periods where I can’t even touch a book you’ll think I’m allergic but when I read the description for it I was hooked.

    The amount of research that went into this book shines through. The medical knowledge seemed natural but most of all I loved hearing about laleh’s culture!! There is such a lack of diversity in books today and I was so happy to see someone who resembled my home life. I loved it.

    Of course besides that I just love Jae’s writing and the special element of this book left me tingling LOL.

  13. Danna Micoletti January 2, 2017 at 15:12

    Requiem for Immortals – Lee Winter

    Gripping, tough, and at times, touching, with a plot twist that you never see coming.

  14. Cheryl January 2, 2017 at 15:23

    I want to thank you for introducing me to so many good books last year. I can’t pick just one favorite book or author. My tbr stack just gets taller, and I seem to have Ylva authors at the top. My next read is Lee Winter’s Requiem for Immortals.

  15. Janice Torrance January 2, 2017 at 15:31

    My favourite was Four Steps by Wendy Hudson. A modern romance/murder with great characters you could connect to. Everyone played an integral part to the story, so hoping for a sequel, can see several reasons it could happen in my head!

  16. Amy January 2, 2017 at 15:37

    After much struggle, I ended up voting for Catalyst by Fletcher DeLancey. This was a lot like asking a mother to pick her favorite child, so shame on you, Ylva, for making me choose! There were so many that I read and enjoyed; Heart Trouble, Not-So-Straight Sue, Requiem for Immortals, Blurred Lines, and Welcome to the Wallops all made the short list. And the only reason some of the others didn’t is because I haven’t read them yet! But my first love is sci-fi/fantasy, and Fletcher always delivers. I will reread the Chronicles of Alsea for the rest of my life. Well done to Ylva, for putting out such quality content, and Brava to all the authors who’ve slaved, and sweated, and cursed, and moaned as they have delivered so many wonderful stories for people like me to enjoy.

  17. Cat January 2, 2017 at 15:53

    My vote is for Lee Winter Requium for Immortals.

    Who doesn’t love a female ‘superheroine’. Well written, well developed plot and sex scenes which drew me in, rather than making me skim over them as I so often do these days when so many seem the same as the others. I very rarely read books more than once but I would certainly consider it with this one.

  18. Sheena January 2, 2017 at 16:02

    Requiem For Immortals was a groubdbreaking novel in any genre let alone lesfic. It was thenbest book to come out of 2016, hands down

  19. Kristen January 2, 2017 at 16:13

    I loved Wounded Souls by RJ Nolan. I really fell in love with the characters. And I absolutely loved the Great Dane in the book. It was a very touching story about overcoming your beliefs and fears for true love. It doesn’t get any better than that.

  20. Wheezieiam January 2, 2017 at 16:17

    I love , love , love, Fletcher’s Alsean series. She has created an entire new world with kick ass characters. She manages to tap into my emotions and I feel like I’m part of the story. Every one of her books has become a re-read comfort story. Here’s hoping for many more to come.

  21. Carrie January 2, 2017 at 16:24

    Really? Pick a favorite? Evil. That’s like trying to pick a favorite critter. Just doesn’t work. Seriously, you have some kick ass writers – keep up the great work!

  22. Allison Hasanen January 2, 2017 at 16:33

    “The Space Between” is maybe the best story I’ve ever read. The characters were so real that I still think about them and remember them. The story was so honest and well written, and really brings you right back to high school where I felt like I was sitting one desk over from the characters in the classroom, not just reading about them from a detached distance. This book also has the power to help people going through a similar situation right now, or to help mend old wounds from what they went through. Even though the book takes place in high school, it is an adult read as well, as the characters are sophisticated and the story seems more like a memory than a fictional storyline. I hope Teichman wins book of the year for this truly amazing story.

  23. Margaret Cusack January 2, 2017 at 16:34

    Four Steps by Wendy Hudson. Fabulous first book by this talented writer. Looking forward to the next book.

  24. Val January 2, 2017 at 16:37

    Awesome list of books, only read a few but have at least 5 more waiting to be read (thanks to the generosity of your excellent bards), then I will start of the rest of the list. 2017 is looking good so far

  25. Katharine January 2, 2017 at 16:43

    My vote ended up going to Flight SQA016 by A.E. Radley. Having followed this author and reading her fanfiction for quite sometime, I was overjoyed to have the opportunity to be able to hold one of her creations in my hand. Emily and Olivia are well developed, relatable, and create a story together that made myou heart ache and also soar with joy. I look forward to reading the next installment!

  26. Karen January 2, 2017 at 17:19

    Something in the Wine was funny and was only a smidge ahead of Flinging It but there can be only one apparently!

    Now I need to go and buy some more books so that I’m ready for next year’s vote 🙂

  27. Christine January 2, 2017 at 18:00

    Vellmar the Blade by Fletcher DeLancey because of: very cute start, honorable main character, crisp writing, interesting ideas/plot – and the alsean world is scifi at its best. Well done!

  28. Aaisha M January 2, 2017 at 18:02

    I voted for Requiem for Immortals, because. I doubt there’s a better book out there. It captivated me and sucked me in, got me emotionally attached to the characters and devastated me when it ended. The story weaving was beautiful, the character development was spot on. And I’ve been bugging Lee for more XD

  29. Marcy January 2, 2017 at 18:08

    Ugh this was a really tough call for me. I had two favorites this past year that stood out for me, Flight SQAO16 and Blurred lines. I really enjoyed both books and have read them each a couple of times. In the end there can be only ONE… I had to go with SQA016 by AE Radley. The way she wrote Olivia’s character tipped the scales for me, Emily was just as strong of a character in a different manner. Olivia’s mannerisms and her reactions to things were done so well it really made you feel what Emily feels, you adore her but she infuriates you at the same time. Brilliant writing and I’ve been not so patiently waiting for the sequel.

  30. Pam Hepburn January 2, 2017 at 18:15

    I voted for Four Steps by Wendy Hudson. I could picture where the writer was describing, it was true to life . Looking forward to the next book.

  31. Bénédicte January 2, 2017 at 18:15

    Choose? How are we supposed to choose from this list?
    If I really really have to point favorites ones, I would pick (not in order) : Collide-O-scope (for the mystery) , Flinging it (for the mixity), Points of departure (for the beautifull journey), Requiem for Immortals (for the concept!), Shaken to the core (for Jae back to historical fiction), The space between (for a very touching story) and Welcome to the wallops (for the humor)… Now, my book of 2016 would be ‘Points of departure’ because I could see myself travelling and discovering “the world” with them. But Collide-O-Scope is just behind 🙂 Thanks again to you all for all this great work!

  32. Pamela Mackay January 2, 2017 at 18:17

    Four steps by Wendy Hudson was not of the best lesfic novels I’ve read in years the characters felt like old friends by the end of it and I was left feeling like I wanted more.

    • Pamela Mackay January 2, 2017 at 18:17

      Was one of!!!!!

  33. Lyndsey Wallace January 2, 2017 at 18:28

    Love Four Steps, looking forward to reading more from Wendy Hudson.

  34. Tiffany Shamaly January 2, 2017 at 18:42

    I really enjoyed Collide-O-Scope by Andrea Bramhall because I enjoy all her books and a she does a mystery right. I’m pleased that this is a series and look forward to the next book.

  35. Karen McIntosh January 2, 2017 at 18:53

    I loved ‘Four Steps ‘ by Wendy Hudson as it was a beautifully written, tense thriller with an intense romance growing through it. I was surprised it was a first novel as it was so accomplished. I eagerly await Ms Hudson’s next novel.

  36. anita.furlong January 2, 2017 at 19:06

    I voted for Requiem for Immortals as The Red Files was not on the list. I found it to be an excellent read, well written and tightly paced and living up to, in every way, the very high standard set by The Red Files with engaging characters and plot and has left me looking forward to the next offering from Lee Winter

  37. MJ Wall January 2, 2017 at 19:42

    All are excellent authors and not possible to just have one favorite.

  38. Nicole January 2, 2017 at 20:02

    Flinging It. The most enjoyable style of writing and witty humor.

  39. Fran January 2, 2017 at 20:05

    I picked collide o scope because, although I enjoyed many books on the list it’s one I didn’t need to revisit the blurb to remember what it was about or that I am keen for more by this author with these characters.

  40. Karola January 2, 2017 at 21:31

    It’s almost impssible to vote, but ‘Shaken to the Core’ by Jae is a great book. I read more than half of these to vote books. I loved them all.

  41. Krystle Calderwood January 2, 2017 at 21:45

    The book I initially thought of is not on the list! So, Flight SQA016 it is! I can’t wait to get my hands on the sequel. I went to school for Travel and Hotel Management, so I really like the job/career setting for Emily. It’s a huge part of the story, not just a meetcute location. And Olivia is my baby, I just want to hug her all the time. Not to mention adorable little Henry!

  42. Christina January 2, 2017 at 21:52

    This was not an easy choice for me. I enjoyed Wounded Souls by RJ Nolan and have already read it three times. However, I voted for Flight SQA016 by AE Radley because I realized I’ve read this story many times this year. I remember frantically waiting for it to be published & how happy I was to get it in the mail. The characters are very well written and the story is quite engaging. I await Grounded now.

  43. Rocío Toboso January 2, 2017 at 22:30

    I voted for Flight SQA016 by A.E. Radley. From all the books I’ve read this year, it’s the only one where one of the main characters has some kind of “disorder”. It’s emotional, endearing, overwhelming. Some of the situations shown make you think “Can she really be that clumsy?”. I can’t wait for Grounded to come out

  44. Leeann Keaton January 2, 2017 at 22:40

    Shaken to the Core by Jae. I love historical romance. I cried at the loss and rejoiced at there small success. Jae paints a picture of the great Fire I will never forget. I had to look it up after. This is a definite read again

  45. Carol January 2, 2017 at 22:52

    Four Steps got my vote – if you haven’t read it please do its an excellent read

  46. Lisa S January 2, 2017 at 23:30

    I voted for Lee Winter “Requiem For Immortals”. I found it dark, funny and the plot twists were refreshing, and wonderful. The quality of writing of this book cannot be rivaled– the characters, pacing, descriptions– all of it, made a lasting impression and even though it’s been months I still think back on this tale and smile.

  47. Jess January 2, 2017 at 23:37

    Requiem for Immortals by Lee Winter – I love Requiem! I always love strong, tough, snarky and often misunderstood protagonists.

  48. Tawanna Bramlett January 3, 2017 at 00:05

    I just love love all Jae’s books, but from the choices listed, I have to go with”Heart trouble”.

  49. Angela January 3, 2017 at 01:41

    Flight SQAO16 by A.E. Radley because I’m a sucker for fanfic writers who make it into print!

  50. Lexxi Kitty January 3, 2017 at 02:23

    Shaken to the Core by Jae – because I love well-written/researched historical fiction.

  51. gracie320 January 3, 2017 at 06:53

    man this is difficult but if I had to choose a favorite it’d probably be Requiem for Immortals by Lee Winter. that whole law game series was great but wow the pacing was so perfect.

  52. Ally House January 3, 2017 at 06:58

    I have enjoyed reading Fletcher DeLancey’s books; I don’t read a lot of lesbian fiction, and I really enjoy her writing. You can tell a lot of work goes into each book. I chose “Catalyst” but “Velmar the Blade” is a story that really speaks to me.

  53. Ellie Vandeberg January 3, 2017 at 08:18

    I voted for Blurred Lines, because it was the book that caught my attention most when I was down, and reignited my passion for reading and writing. I read the whole thing in one sitting, and loved every moment of it. 🙂

  54. Devlyn January 3, 2017 at 10:47

    I have read so many wonderful books published by Ylva this year that I was hard pressed to find one to vote for as I wanted to vote for so many. In the end, I decided on Rescue Me as I am ex military and have a soft spot for first responders. This story and the protagonists reasonated with me and stayed with me long after I have continued on to other stories. It was well written, exciting and a damn entertaining read.

  55. Sue H January 3, 2017 at 10:56

    So many really good and enjoyable books to choose from, but the outstanding one for me was Requiem for Immortals by Lee Winter. Unique and dynamic writing, an exceedingly good and interesting plot, gritty dialogue and wonderful banter between her main characters.

  56. Smitster January 3, 2017 at 10:56

    I loved Requiem for Immortals – I’m a huge fan of the crime genre and just couldn’t put it down – I thought the plot construction and twists were just genius and the lead characters of Natalya and Alison are so memorable and enticing – and I loved the portrayal of Melbourne and its crime scene.

  57. jo January 3, 2017 at 17:22

    heart trouble by jae

  58. Danielle January 3, 2017 at 17:47

    There were a lot of good books by Ylva this year, but, the one that I liked the most was Just my Luck by Andrea Bramhall. I loved the character of Rosie the most, but, I also really liked how that one title phrase was used in unique and cool way in the book. I know that it probably won’t get as much love as some of the well known on the internet books that are on this list, and I liked most of those too. But, this book was amazingly written, paced, and it moved Andrea Bramhall from a ‘sure maybe I’ll read a Bramhall book’, to on my short must read list.

  59. Kerstin Frösch January 3, 2017 at 18:46

    I’ve read a lot ylva books this year but I really liked Four Steps by Wendy Hudson. The setting was great and the story really refreshing. A great thriller with an integrated romance.

  60. Adrian January 3, 2017 at 19:15

    While Ylva had a particularly strong publication year in 2016, I found “Requiem for Immortals” by Lee Winter to be one of the most innovative and evocative novels that I have read in many months. The characters were vividly drawn , a number of surprises persisted throughout the plot that kept me invested to its completion and the romantic overtones were plentiful but did not overpower the thriller/moral conflict that accompanied Natalya’s journey from hired gun to something more. Loved, loved the book and want more.

  61. Karen Kissee January 3, 2017 at 19:57

    I had a lot of favorites in 2016 with Jae’s novels, Andi Marquette’s novels, plus with reading with RJ Nolan already came out with. But my absolute favorite would have to be Nights of Silk and Sapphire by Amber Jacobs, the book kept me wanting to know what happened next, couldn’t put it down. I absolutely love Zafirah and Dae interactions through out the book, how Dae grew to understand and enjoy Zafirah’s culture. How Zafirah took her time to get to know Dae which was against how she usually pursued women. Loved the book and hopefully in the future there will be more.

  62. Tara January 3, 2017 at 23:58

    I voted for Flight SQA 016. I watched this get turned into an orignal, published book and i ordered it the second it was available. There’s really no choice here. I just HAD to vote for this beautiful book.

  63. RONDER DAY January 4, 2017 at 00:34

    I chose A.E.Radley Flight SQAO16 because I’ve read all of her fanfiction and this was one of my favorite stories. She’s an amazing and brilliant writer.

  64. Anonymous January 4, 2017 at 03:23

    Requiem for Immortals, because it was the only book to have kept me up all night reading…and no book has been able to do so in the last 2-3 years.

  65. Emily January 4, 2017 at 16:02

    I loved reading Four Steps by Wendy Hudson this year. It has stayed with me for months since reading it. It was a fantastic thriller, with romance as a key theme, but not the only theme. I want to read so many more books like this!!

  66. Celeste January 4, 2017 at 18:53

    I chose Wounded Souls because it kept me engaged the whole time I was reading it. This was a great book I really loved it. There are some excellent books on this list and it was hard to pick just one but I just love the LA Metro Series so much.

  67. Amisha Patel January 4, 2017 at 20:00

    I have read the other books in Fletcher DeLancey’s series about 5 times. Loved every single one of them. I vote for Catalyst by Fletcher DeLancey. I was so excited when it was published…it was everything I anticipated and more.

  68. Sonia January 5, 2017 at 02:33

    The Space Between, Michelle Teichman is hands down my favorite new author. It was hard to choose between this one and rescue me

  69. Kurt Ozinga January 5, 2017 at 02:51

    I voted for Emily O’Berne because of her precise beautiful use of the English language in her writing which has me feel I have lived along with the cast.

  70. Dawn January 5, 2017 at 02:54

    I loved SQA016 so it got my vote but there are many excellent books on the list…but I re-read this one and I just loved how the story flowed and fell in love with the characters. I am anxiously waiting for Grounded to come out!

  71. Charlotte Loudermilt January 5, 2017 at 06:07

    When Lee Winter writes, there are lines your finger will itch to trace, characters you will want to befriend, and lessons that will haunt your heart. Requiem for Immortals contains such an intricate combination of truth and lies, it could be coined a literary labyrinth. Requiem will have you looking over your shoulder while simultaneously cheering for an assassin. Lee has delivered a dramatic thriller unlike anything else and therefore she obtains my vote for Writing Queen.
    Seriously, people look at her work and whisper: “Writing Goals.”

  72. Karen January 5, 2017 at 15:38

    So difficult to choose, so many great books on this list, but Heart Trouble by Jae has my vote. Jae never fails to deliver great stories, with characters that I want to invite over for dinner!

  73. Enrico January 5, 2017 at 15:40

    I voted Crossing Lines by KD Williamson. For the depth of the character Nora. For the remarkable psychological insight of the relationship with Kelli. I chosed Crossing Lines instead of Blurring Lines because CL is BL’s complete conclusion. The two books together form one story.

  74. Kurt January 5, 2017 at 15:43

    I will always be thankful to ylva for introducing me to Emily O’Beirne’s work. Each one of her books has become a favorite of mine and then I read her next one and see she has grown with her talent even further. I wish more people knew of her books!

  75. lara.majcan January 6, 2017 at 04:42

    I voted for Requiem For Immortals by Lee Winter. I’m a fan of music and play several instruments myself so I was definitely drawn to the story with the synopsis and the cover. Other than that it was well written of course but what I like the most is the fact that we I don’t often see thrillers as a genre with f/f relationship so it was a refreshing change.

  76. cwks21st January 6, 2017 at 06:44

    What a cruel task you’ve set. I’ve read half of these and enjoyed them all. Several others are on my tbr list. I love anything by Jae, Delancey, Winter and Williamson. But, many others in this list rank right up there with them.
    I’m fairly sure my pick would be ‘Catalyst’ if I had read it yet. But I’m this crazy person that has to start at the beginning of a series and read all the way through when a new one comes out. Since I didn’t want to be lost in Alsea and miss the Hootenanny, I haven’t gotten there yet.
    So, I think my vote has to go to ‘While the Late Plays’. There was just something about this one that really caught me. I loved the whole art, artist, history scene and the wonderful descriptions of the places really made my want to see them. Look forward to another book from Fonseca as well.


  77. Iris January 6, 2017 at 21:43

    My vote goes to FlightSQA016 by A.E.Radley because I love her style of writing, the plot and the wit Reading about the way an undiagnosed “disorder” affects a very self-conscious, deliberate while at the same time clueless character and her relationships made me relate to and empathise better with a colleague of mine who shows similar traits and behaviours. The pain connected with it really touched my heart.

  78. Sarah January 7, 2017 at 15:33

    I thourghly enjoyed Flight. It has become one of my most favorite books to read. No matter how many times I read it. I can’t wait for part to come out later this month! Good luck to all runners!!

  79. Mara January 7, 2017 at 15:35

    A.E. Radley has captured my heart ever since Flight SQA016 was just fanfiction.
    I was reluctant to by a copy once the book came out because I didn’t want to read it twice, but a friend of mine lend me hers and I found myself falling in love with the characters again. I loved ever second I spent “re-reading” all the modifications and I can’t wait for where Radley takes us next!

  80. Jules January 7, 2017 at 16:10

    I voted for Flinging It! Love G Benson…..her humour & style comes through immensely. To produce a delightful lesbian Romcom of the highest quality, is number one for me.

  81. Vesela Plamdnova January 7, 2017 at 19:36

    A.E. Radley has captured my heart ever since Flight SQA016 was just fanfiction.Just love her writing!

  82. […] votes are in, and oh-so many of you voted. But there can only be one winner for Ylva’s Book of The Year 2016, and that […]

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