I started a lesbian book club – What could go wrong?

A lesbian book club sounded like such fun. A small, friendly circle of book-loving women engaged in witty conversation—that’s an introvert’s equivalent of a New Year’s Eve celebration. Throw in some wine and cheese, or coffee and cake, and you’ve got the perfect afternoon. Right?

It was in this optimistic mood that I started the most dysfunctional book group the world has ever known. (Details have been changed to protect the guilty.)

What could go wrong with a lesbian book club


Look, I was new in town. I didn’t know anyone, and it was the mid-2000s; social media barely existed. So, I did what seemed logical: I booked a regular table at a bookshop-café, and decided the members should choose books by consensus, prioritizing titles we could borrow from libraries. Then I put a poster on a LGBT community noticeboard, listing the place and time the group met, and stating in big, friendly letters “ALL WELCOME”.

Anyone spot what I did wrong there? Here’s what I learned…

Meet someplace where they don’t hate you.

The bookshop-café owner was a nice man. But imagine his frustration at having his space taken over by a bunch of noisy cheapskates who sat on one coffee all afternoon and got their books from the library. It got worse when we asked him for a recommendation. He suggested a whimsical yet sombre novel: a postmodern tale of a bored housewife who meets a lesbian and realizes how sad life is. Our group hated the book and bitched loudly about how bored they’d been. The bookshop owner listened in for two hours, then came over and coolly explained that the author was his best friend. I’m pretty sure every coffee he served us came with a dash of saliva.

Learn to use the internet.

If you won’t buy hard copy books, then you need to make friends with their cheap and cheerful e-cousins. Stick to lesbian books from everyone’s local library, and you’ll find it’s either Sarah Waters, Jeanette Winterson (probably one of hers that doesn’t have lesbians in it), or a fifteen-year-old biography of Ellen DeGeneres that someone spilled coffee over. After a year, we were desperate. “This book has a minor gay character—will that do?” “This author writes about female friendship—close enough?” It was when we found ourselves discussing a book by a heterosexual sci-fi writer about aliens who change sex at mating time that I knew we were in trouble. The next month, we read Fingersmith again.

First rule of book club: You pick it, you read it.

Obviously my plan that we would choose books by consensus never happened. We couldn’t even agree which chairs to sit on. But if you select a book for the group, you’d better come prepared to lead a discussion. I’m still cross with the person who insisted we read a collection of advice columns by a sex therapist…then didn’t show up. You’ve never seen such a cranky group of readers talking resentfully about dildoes.

Screen your book club members. For God’s sake, SCREEN.

Otherwise, don’t blame me if you end up discussing Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle
Stop Café with these people:

1. A very angry woman who hates every book the group has ever read. She copies out the “worst” passages—by hand—then makes you listen attentively while she explains what the authors did wrong. She never misses a session.

2. An eccentric woman who recites the plot of the book, like a human CliffNotes, before segueing into totally unrelated stories about her life. I didn’t need that much detail about her appendectomy, especially when I thought we were discussing The Color Purple.

3. An even more eccentric woman who sits in eerie silence, never saying a word, but watching you with a fixed, intense stare. Okay, she was probably shy. But it’s hard to lead a discussion about The World Unseen when you’re wondering if the person beside you might, just possibly, be a serial killer.

4. So many women who never read the books. Which part of “book club” wasn’t clear?

5. Several members who just loathe each other. Passionate debate is one thing, but I saw women nearly come to blows over a story about a drag king. Wasn’t this meant to be fun?

6. An ACTUAL MAN who interpreted “lesbian book club” to mean “bunch of ladies who’d love to hear some stories about my grisly car accident and the time I got arrested in Bali”. He was some kind of circular breather, too, so there was never a moment to cut him off. He came back a few times. I guess he was a big Sarah Waters fan.


When my first book was published, a friend said “Wow, maybe someone’s book club will talk about your stories one day!”

That would be an honor and I’d be delighted…but please don’t ask me to organize it!


Jess Lea lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she started out as an academic before working in the community sector. She loves vintage crime fiction, the writings of funny women, and lesbian books of all sorts. Jess can be found writing in cafes, in parks, and in her pyjamas at home when she should be at work. Her novel, A Curious Woman, will be out in April 2019.

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  1. KD Williamson February 13, 2019 at 17:18 - Reply

    Lol this was hilarious and it sounds mentally painful. How does it feel being a cautionary tale? Lol

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:09 - Reply

      Because I was nominally in charge, I am somewhat to blame for the madness! I’m sure somewhere out there, the other ex book club members are telling the same story, with me as the villain 😀
      Others, please learn from my mistakes….

  2. Jennifer H. February 13, 2019 at 17:26 - Reply

    I work in a used book store and people come in for book club selections all of the time. What you described here is exactly how I imagine these sessions going lol.

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:11 - Reply

      Yep, all your suspicions were correct. I hope the people you assisted bought their books, at least!

  3. Lee Winter February 13, 2019 at 17:41 - Reply

    That was so funny, and slightly alarming and now confirms my suspicions I will never join a book club.

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:12 - Reply

      Oh, but it gives you so much material! When my friends would see me, their first question would be “What’s been happening at your book group?” 🙂

    • Trish February 18, 2019 at 06:03 - Reply

      My book group has been going since 2008 and we love it. We’ve even skyped with you Lee.

      • Lee Winter February 18, 2019 at 06:38 - Reply

        Ha! Very true. For every rule there’s always a glorious exception!

      • Jess Lea February 18, 2019 at 20:15 - Reply

        Glad to hear it’s been going well! 🙂

  4. Erin February 13, 2019 at 17:43 - Reply

    There should be a warning on this not to read at work because now all my co-workers are staring at me and wondering why I am laughing so hard at my computer screen when I should be doing “serious” work! Thank you for sharing your experience- this was amazing! I look forward to reading A Curious Woman.

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:13 - Reply

      Thank you so much! I’m very glad to have brightened up someone’s working day 🙂

  5. Catherine Lane February 13, 2019 at 18:22 - Reply

    What a wonderful post! Can’t wait for A Curious Woman. And I hate to say I would have loved to discuss Left Hand of Darkness with anyone. I’ve never met anyone else who has read that book.

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:14 - Reply

      Well, you could always start a sci-fi book club! What could go wrong….?
      (But yes, Ursula K Le Guin is a goddess and a ground breaking writer – RIP.)

  6. Chantal van den Berg February 13, 2019 at 20:21 - Reply

    I could almost picture this group of people sippig coffee, sitting, bikkering, throwing down. Too funny for words and a little bit terrifying too, always wondered what went on in those bookclubs, i never trusted the harmonious and highbrow intelligent portrayels i’d seen on tv.
    Now this this sounds so much more real.

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:17 - Reply

      #NotAllBookClubs . I’m sure many of them are totally fine! My mum used to have a great one, although it was really just her and a few mates drinking and laughing about their lives, and occasionally mentioning the book. Just choose carefully, that’s all…

  7. Conchita Fonseca February 13, 2019 at 21:46 - Reply

    Let me know when the next gathering is scheduled! 😉😊

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:17 - Reply

      Ha – only if you are ready to host!! 😀

  8. Aj February 13, 2019 at 22:23 - Reply

    I had a narrow escape, my sister (who’s a member of a few) warned me that I’d get pissed off when others got distracted by wine etc. instead of dissecting the details of the book. She knows me all too well!

    My mother, on the other hand goes along and enjoys stirring things up with her choices: “A Small Country About to Vanish”, had the ladies all a twitter apparently.

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:18 - Reply

      Yeah, I think you just have to go along with an attitude of “make your own fun here”! They can be great, I’m sure, or ridiculous.

  9. Cristina February 14, 2019 at 03:21 - Reply

    THIS right here—> “An even more eccentric woman who sits in eerie silence, never saying a word, but watching you with a fixed, intense stare. Okay, she was probably shy. But it’s hard to lead a discussion about The World Unseen when you’re wondering if the person beside you might, just possibly, be a serial killer.”

    Omgerd … let me tell you … kindred experience … I was at a book discussion and that very type of book club lady was there in all her stone cold silent glory. And the air around her radiated an awkward, almost otherworldly energy. Somehow, my friend and I just knew she was going to blow up at some point.

    She remained quiet with that energy ramping up until we got to the topic of the book’s world-building—which, mind you, was centered around a society ruled by a magical tyrant—at which point she popped up from her seat and ranted, via yelling, about how she didn’t drive all the way across town to talk about everyone’s thinly veiled hatred for Trump and that everyone should leave politics out of fiction discussion.

    And we were all like, It’s a dystopian story; it’s like 99.9% socio-politico-economic by nature.

    • Jess Lea February 14, 2019 at 04:20 - Reply

      Woah! Could this be the same angry lady? Or are there thousands of them out there, secretly infiltrating book clubs all over the world? There’s nothing like sitting next to a human ticking bomb to take your mind off the book, that’s for sure!

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