The Thing about Marketing…

Today we start another small series about marketing. This time we asked some authors to let us have their thoughts on the subject.

R.G. Emanuelle, JL Merrow and Laurie Salzler dropped us a few lines. Tomorrow Lois Cloarec Hart will talk about “An Introvert’s Approach to Marketing” and on Tuesday Erzabet Bishop will take us on a marketing journey.

So, let’s start with three amazing authors:

bio_pic_rg-emanuelleR.G. Emanuelle, author of Twice Bitten and Add Spice to Taste

The thing about marketing that I do not like is the fact that it takes so much time, which is especially a problem for those of who have full-time jobs. But marketing has become essential for writers and even the most minimal of efforts can make a difference.

My biggest course of action to promote myself is to get involved with anything and everything that will draw attention to my work. Speak at an event? Yes. Do an online interview or reading? Yes. Do a guest blog? Yes. If you get one person at each of these events to read your work, that will have a domino effect. Another thing I do is to join multiple groups (appropriate ones, of course). Engage with any group or hang out in places (physical or virtual) where potential readers congregate.

Giveaways have also proven to be a good strategy. Readers who otherwise might not have read your work get a free sample. And if they like it—well, you’ve picked up a new reader.

JL Merrow, author of an amazingly long list of books

I’m not a natural blogger. If I stumble across a bit of information that interests me, I’m more likely to try and think how I can use it in a story, than sit down and write a blogWaterhouse_a_mermaid hires post about it. Which means I struggle a bit when it comes to promotion! There’s no question that having a blog which you regularly update with interesting content can sell your books—I’ve got a friend who got a publishing deal on the back of his popular, funny blog—but I think it only works if it’s something you’re really into. I’ve accepted that my time is more productively spent writing new books, which I enjoy far more than blogging.

Having said that, I do like to do blog tours when I’ve got a new release. Guesting on someone else’s blog means you can (hopefully) reach a whole new audience, although obviously it pays to choose your host wisely. And I always make sure I include a question for the readers at the end of the post to encourage interaction—I’ve had some really fun conversations that way!

Laurie Salzler, author of Right out of Nowhere and A Kiss before Dawn

Facebook, for all of it’s idiot-syncrasies as been a great medium for the marketing of my 100_2239books. I dabble in photography, so I post something every day to keep my name in front of people. Closer to a release I may post a teaser and/or the cover.

The key is keeping your name forefront. I send friend requests. Everyday, I look at the list of birthdays and send every single person a greeting. I engage people who comment on my post or something I may find interesting on the news feed. Talk to people. It works. But don’t be overbearing or pushy. 

I spend a couple hours a day, give or take, on FB marketing myself. Readers nowadays want to get to know their favorite authors…I like indulging them. I also have a website to post my (infrequent) blogs.

Stop by tomorrow to hear Lois Cloarec Hart’s thoughts on how to endure marketing if you’re an introvert.

Astrid Ohletz


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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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