The Fifth Surgeon by Faith Prize

(6 customer reviews)

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Author: Faith Prize


A lesbian medical romance about the powerful breakthroughs we can’t always see.


Nadia Keating has barely started her cardiothoracic fellowship training, but she already has the archetype nailed—she’s direct, uncompromising, and suffering from a God complex.

Before she can focus on her impressive research, deeply closeted Nadia has a personal project: getting her inconvenient attraction to women out of her system. She picks a stranger online for a one-night stand.

Ashley Rylan, the chief of Nadia’s department, is her polar opposite—sweet, agreeable, and soft-spoken—and the stranger Nadia unwittingly chooses.

The two women’s meeting is a hostile disaster and they would love nothing more than to never see each other again. However, their paths keep colliding as Nadia embarks on an ambitious experiment that could lead to a historic medical breakthrough.

Despite warring egos and the secrets they keep, their connection is powerful and growing. Maybe having sex would help them get over their distraction at work? Or would that just ruin everything?

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Publication Date

July 2021


epub (for Kindle Reader/Kindle Apps, for iBooks, Nook etc.), mobi, and pdf


100,000 words




978-3-96324-544-2 (mobi), 978-3-96324-545-9 (epub), 978-3-96324-546-6 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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6 reviews for The Fifth Surgeon by Faith Prize

  1. Karola


    ***free ARC
    The characters in this book are complete opposites and that attracts so they say. As Ashley is really a lovable person, Nadia is the mean, aloof one. The story in itself is a good one, but for my taste there are too many medical words and descriptions. Some parts in the story are a little too long and others are a little bit rushed. But for a first book of an author it‘s good. So keep on writing Faith Prize

  2. Betty Harmon


    I do love a good medical romance, so when I saw The Fifth Surgeon by Faith Prize about to be published, I grabbed it. It seemed to be a fairly lengthy novel, so I figured it would take me about three days to read it. I’m a slow reader compared to some. I began the story in the afternoon. At 1:45 A.M. that night I finally turned my tablet off. I was over 85% finished. The only reason I didn’t finish the book that night was because I was afraid I would fall asleep and drop my tablet. I woke up early the next morning and finished it then. This novel is that good.

    This is one of the best medical dramas/romances I’ve read in a long time. The author obviously knows her medical terms, and she writes in a way that lets the reader understand them as well. A lot of the medical knowledge is quite involved and some is futuristic, so this is really high praise. The story grabs your interest and won’t let go. The hospital setting is also well-described, adding to the overall realism of the story.

    For me though, it is the people that really make this tale wonderful. Nadia Keating and Ashley Rylan are the two main characters. Both are surgeons, and also intelligent, driven, and very believable. Ashley is actually Nadia’s boss which causes some friction between the two. In spite of that friction, the chemistry between the two is off the charts. Add in the fact that Nadia is a consummate ice queen with some very personal secrets, and you have all the ingredients for an extremely hot romance.
    I believe this may be the author’s debut novel. If it is, I’m even more impressed. Usually with a first novel, you expect a few new author mistakes, but honestly, I can’t find anything. This is an exceptionally well-written novel, and I can’t wait to read more from this author.

    I received an ARC from Ylva Publishing for an honest review.

  3. Jane Shambler


    I have just finished watching Voyager Star Trek. I know, you’re wondering where I’m going with this….. Well Nadia reminds me of seven of nine. By that I mean her social skills, her attitude, her bluntness and the desire to be perfect. It just fits her character perfectly. Other than that I’d like to slap her silly (hypothetically of course!).

    Throughout the story you will be laughing out loud and at other times it will make you cry.

    If you like medical drama romances this is for you. What I liked the best is that you spend the majority of the story in the actual hospital.

    My only big disappointment was the end. It jumped five years in to the future. I felt deprived of the missing five years of Ashley and Nadia. You could make that the sequel.

    Yes, I would definitely recommend this book. I really enjoyed it !

    *ARC provided by publisher via Ylva Publishing*

  4. margaretbrennan444

    (verified owner):

    I really enjoyed this book. The characters had depth and one could feel real emotion in the the dialogue. Well done Faith, can’t wait for the next book.

  5. alphacutieP


    I honestly can’t remember how I ended up seeing this book after reading another one. but I’m glad I did. Nadia reminds me of Dr. Martin who is so blunt that sometimes you can’t help but fall in love with her regardless.

    it’s very rare for me to fall in love with a good lesbian book but this is one of those rare times. And I never wanted it to end.

  6. pharridge


    I always like to find authors that I haven’t read before. The Fifth Surgeon has a strong storyline and the characters are interesting and well developed. I love ice Queen Nadia and how she and Ashley draw on each other’s strengths and work around their differences . I think the medical arc is almost a character in itself. I look forward to the next book by Faith Prize.

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