Lesbian Fiction for Valentine’s Day

[three_fourth_last]”Are you sick of mushy cards, cheap chocolate, and the pressure of finding a date?” That’s what’s written on a flyer Amanda finds tucked under her windshield wiper after escaping a date from hell. It’s an invitation to an “Anti-Valentine’s-Day [...]

Book Give Away

We just love to give our readers a chance to win something. And today we’re giving away three copies of each of the ebooks we published in January.   [three_fourth_last]We started our publishing year with the revised version of [...]

Welcome: G Benson

There are no guarantees in life. This is something people often say, but sometimes that often-repeated maxim can’t be truly understood until life pulls the rug out from under you. Anna, the protagonist of All the little Moments, a [...]

Welcome: Lee Winter

One of the unmitigated joys of reading fiction is that a good story can immerse you so totally into an unfamiliar setting, you would never otherwise get a chance to see it so close up and personal. Here at [...]

Showing 91–100 of 413 results

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