Tips For Authors: Rules

Paulette Callen, author of the amazing historical novels Charity and Fervent Charity (the later one being a GCLS Finalist) has been visiting us a few times already to talk about tips for writers. Today she shares her take on [...]

Upcoming Release: All You Can Eat

[two_third_last]We are very happy to announce the soon-to-be released anthology All You Can Eat: A Buffet of Lesbian Erotica and Romance. This anthology is an ode to the sensuous and sensual qualities of food and cooking. Editors R.G. Emanuelle [...]

And the winners are…

[three_fourth_last]My wife just chose the winner numbers and we connected numbers to names; and here you go: – Cheryl and – Beth won an e-book of In a Heartbeat by RJ Nolan. The winner of the mug is: – [...]

Welcome To Our New Blog

May has proven to be a spectacular month for us. Not only did we publish a bestseller with RJ Nolan’s In a Heartbeat, but we also launched our new website. From now on, this blog is integrated into the [...]

Spotlight Interview: AJ Adaire

Today we have another guest for the spotlight interview: AJ Adaire, author of  such brilliant books like Anything Your Heart Desires or Sunset Island. Some warm-up questions first: Coffee or tea? Definitely tea. I never drink coffee…although my partner tells [...]

Showing 421–430 of 673 results

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