Writing Resolutions

Everyone starts with at least one resolution into a new year – even if it’s just the one to not have a resolution… We asked some of our authors about their writing-related resolutions for 2013. Jae: I’m planning on [...]


Here’s the next blog post in our series about manuscript rejection. We already blogged about four other common mistakes: telling instead of showing, violating point of view, writing an opening that doesn’t catch the reader’s attention, and dumping too much [...]

2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for our lesbian book blog. Here’s an excerpt: 600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,600 views in 2012. If every person [...]

2012 – what a year

When I founded Ylva Publishing in the winter of 2011 and then published the first German e-book in April 2012, I never expected Ylva Publishing to sell more than 7,000 e-books in about nine months. Overall, we published five [...]

And the winners are….

Thank you all for participating in the raffle. Unfortunately we only have two signed books of Something in the Wine by Jae to give away and the winners are: Erin Z. and Sandy R. Please write to info@ylva-verlag.de and [...]

Book Give Away, Part 4

To celebrate the holiday season and our first year in publishing, we have been giving away free e-books every Sunday in Advent and continue to do so today. We already gave away e-book versions of Manhattan Moon by Jae, [...]

Info dump

If you follow our blog, you have probably read the post that advised writers to show, not tell, and to stick to one point of view. A related problem that we often find in manuscripts is the dreaded “info [...]

Showing 641–650 of 673 results

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