And the winners are…

Thank you all for participating in the raffle. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of comments and mails we decided to choose three winners instead of only one or two. So, congrats Pat I., Carrie C. and Peggy Adams. Please [...]

Book Give Away, Part 3

To celebrate the holiday season and our first year in publishing, we will be giving away free e-books and printed books every Sunday in Advent and on December 24 (since this is the day we celebrate Christmas in Germany). [...]


One of the most common reasons why editors reject manuscripts—and why readers stop reading a book—is that the opening fails to draw them into the story. It has probably happened to you as a reader too. You read the [...]

And the Winner is….

Thank you all for participating in the raffle. Due to all the wonderful snow we have (again) in Germany we (again) have two winners instead of only one. Congrats Jeremy B and Marlene. Please let us know to which e-mail [...]

Book Give Away, Part 2

To celebrate the holiday season and our first year in publishing, we will be giving away free e-books and printed books every Sunday in Advent and on December 24 (since this is the day we celebrate Christmas in Germany). [...]

Point of View

One reason editors often reject manuscripts are viewpoint problems, so let’s talk about point of view. What is point of view (POV)? The point of view is the lens through which we experience the story. Basically, there are three [...]

The Winner is….

Thank you all for participating in the raffle. Due to all the wonderful snow we have in Germany right now we felt that there should be two winners instead of only one. Congrats Lisa T. and Susan. Please let [...]

Book Give Away, Part 1

To celebrate the holiday season and our first year in publishing, we will be giving away free e-books and printed books every Sunday in Advent and on December 24 (since this is the day we celebrate Christmas in Germany). [...]

Showing 651–660 of 673 results

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