Lesbian Fiction for Valentine’s Day

[three_fourth_last]”Are you sick of mushy cards, cheap chocolate, and the pressure of finding a date?” That’s what’s written on a flyer Amanda finds tucked under her windshield wiper after escaping a date from hell. It’s an invitation to an “Anti-Valentine’s-Day [...]

Under the Christmas Tree

Believe it or not–but yesterday it finally did snow here in Germany. And we’re talking about 14 hours of white stuff coming down. This morning we woke up to a winter wonderland, which makes me very happy. The view out [...]

L.T. Smith reads…

[three_fourth_last]Here is just a little something as a belated Christmas present to all of Linda’s readers. Some time in early autumn she sat down and recorded a scene out of her wonderful lesbian romance Still Life. After breaking off [...]

A Safe Haven of Books

As Ylva Publishing began to gear up for the holiday season in November, we received a request we just couldn’t turn down. We are already helping homeless LGBTQ youth by donating all profits from our holiday anthology Unwrap These [...]

Showing 81–90 of 157 results

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