Welcome: A.E. Radley

Money can’t buy love, but can debt point her in the general direction? That’s the question behind Flight SQA016, the upcoming novel by exciting new Ylva author A.E. Radley to be published exclusively with us in March 2016. Spurred on [...]

Welcome: JD Glass

Today we have an Ylva coup. Author JD Glass is joining the Ylva pack. We are pleased and proud to announce that we will be making her new, improved, and extended novel, Red Light, available in November 2015. And not [...]

What would you do…

…if the love of your life disappeared without a trace? Deliberate Harm, a page-turning new suspense thriller from author J.R. Wolfe, examines that question through the character of Portia Marks, who lost her fiancée, Imma, to the unthinkable—a terrorist organization [...]

Welcome: G Benson

There are no guarantees in life. This is something people often say, but sometimes that often-repeated maxim can’t be truly understood until life pulls the rug out from under you. Anna, the protagonist of All the little Moments, a [...]

Welcome: Cheri Crystal

One of the things we at Ylva love about author Cheri Crystal’s stories is how her characters spark right off the page. No shrinking wallflowers, Crystal’s creations are smart, bold, passionate, opinionated women—a little bit thinky and probably a [...]

Welcome: Cindy Rizzo

It’s a pretty great day around here when a new author joins us with a resume like Cindy Rizzo’s. Rizzo, who will be publishing her new novella Getting Back with Ylva in the summer of 2015, has already started [...]

Welcome: KL Hughes

Sometimes love isn’t exactly blind, but it can be stubbornly myopic. That’s the premise behind Popcorn Love, the upcoming novel by exciting new Ylva author KL Hughes to be published exclusively with us in September 2015. Set in the glamorous [...]

Showing 11–20 of 43 results

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