FAQ for Readers

Do I need an e-reader to read your e-books?

No, you don’t need a Kindle, a Nook, or any other type of e-reader to read our e-books. To read our e-books, you can download free software such as the Kindle app for Mac, Kindle for PC or Adobe Digital Editions for epub to your computer or laptop.

In what formats are your books available?

Our e-books are available in the epub format, readable on all Kindle readers and on apps such as Kindle for Mac and Kindle for PC, iPad, iPhone, Nook, Sony Reader, and Kobo; in PDF format, readable on almost all e-readers and computers; in mobi for applications that require mobi format.
We usually provide all formats in one purchase (mobi, epub, and pdf). So there is no need to choose beforehand.
In addition, all of our novels and most of our novellas are also available as paperbacks.

How do I get a .epub e-book onto my Kindle?

Every Kindle activated with an Amazon account is assigned a unique e-mail address. You can simply email the “.epub” file as an attachment to the e-mail address associated with your Kindle. Find out more: Send to Kindle by E-mail

How to find downloaded files on an iPhone or iPad

When you download a file on your iPhone/iPad, it’s usually stored with the app that can open it (e.g. epub file: iBooks).
There’s also a special folder where iOS and iPadOS store downloads, and you can find it via the Files app (which looks like a blue folder on a white background).

Depending on your settings the downloaded files might end up in a folder called Downloads, your iCloud, AirDrop, Dropbox, or other similar services.

Do your e-books have DRM?

No, all of our e-books are DRM-free. That means you aren’t restricted to reading your e-book on just one device, and you won’t lose access to your e-book if you switch reading devices in the future.

Why do I need to pay VAT on an e-book?

New European Union (EU) VAT regulations came into force on January 1, 2015 which changed the way VAT (consumer tax) is charged on digital services. The term “digital services” includes e-books and as such we are legally obligated to add VAT onto every sale, determined by the location of the consumer within the EU.

The rate of tax varies from country to country, a total of 75 different tax rates across 28 different markets, which, for an independent publisher, causes a lot of additional administration. There are several petitions being taken to the EU in order to change this legislation and we will of course monitor the situation.

Sales to customers outside of the EU are not affected.

What can I expect from your newsletter?

We send out our e-mail newsletter at least ten times a year to let our readers know about new and upcoming releases. To receive our newsletter fill out the form here and then click “Subscribe to list.”

When is the next book by a certain author going to be published? When will you do the next giveaway?

Since we regularly publish new books and give away paperbacks and e-books, we suggest you subscribe to our newsletter and our blog so you won’t miss any of our exciting news.

I am a book reviewer and would like to review one of your books? How do I get a review copy?

We appreciate reviewers and bloggers helping to get the word out about our books. To get a review copy of one of our books, please contact us at ylvareviewer@dev.ylva-publishing.com and let us know which format you prefer. E-book requests are easiest for us to fulfil.


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