Broken Faith by Lois Cloarec Hart

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Book Two in The Calgary Chronicles

Author: Lois Cloarec Hart


Two women haunted by old wounds find unexpected strength in each other in this heart-warming lesbian romance novel.

Emotional wounds aren’t always apparent, and those that haunt Marika and Rhiannon are deep and lasting. On the surface, Marika appears to be a wealthy, successful lawyer, while Rhiannon is a reclusive, maladjusted loner. But Marika, in her own way, is as damaged as the younger Rhiannon. When circumstances throw them together one summer, they begin to reach out, each finding unexpected strengths in the other.

However, even as inner demons are gradually vanquished and old hurts begin to heal, evil in human form reappears. The cruelly enigmatic Cass has used and controlled Marika in the past, and she aims to do so again. Can Marika find it within herself to break free?  Can she save her young friend from Cass’ malevolent web?  With the support of remarkable friends, the pair fights to break free—of their crippling pasts and the woman who will own them, or kill them.

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Publication Date

November 2013


epub (for Kindle Reader/Kindle Apps, for iBooks, Nook etc.), mobi, and pdf


2nd revised edition


128,000 words




978-3-95533-053-8 (mobi), 978-3-95533-054-5 (epub), 978-3-95533-055-2 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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