Captive Hearts: Three Lesbian Romance Novels by Harper Bliss

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Author: Harper Bliss


Three much-loved lesbian romance novels from best-selling author Harper Bliss. All the characters in these books are nursing deep mental wounds and are waiting for the right person to help release their captive hearts.

This Harper Bliss boxed set includes At the Water’s Edge (including the follow-up novella It Takes Two), Far from the World We Know and Seasons of Love. All books have been Lesbian Romance best sellers and have garnered more than 350 5-star reviews between them.

At the Water’s Edge – Sometimes you need to go back to where you came from…
After a traumatic event that has left her in deep need of healing, Ella Goodman returns to her hometown in Oregon. While staying at her family’s cabin at the West Waters lake resort, she finds an unexpected friend in level-headed owner Kay Brody.

Far from the World We Know – How far must you run to escape the past?
Laura Baker has just moved to small-town Texas hoping for a life of solitude and recovery after a traumatic event that has scarred her irreversibly. But her chosen isolation is difficult to maintain after she meets Tess Douglas, the charming editor of the town paper.

Seasons of Love – Is age really just a number?
Alice McAllister is a successful solicitor who likes a quiet, disciplined life. But when her business partner Miranda forces her to take a vacation at her holiday home in Portugal, the presence of Miranda’s daughter Joy turns Alice’s world up-side down.

Buy this great-value box set and get ready for a page-turning rollercoaster ride of emotions!

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Publication Date

November 2017


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200,000 words






Ladylit Publishing

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