Changing the Script by Lee Winter

(7 customer reviews)

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Author: Lee Winter


A funny, small-town lesbian romance about clashing cultures and daring to dream big.

LA-based English indie filmmaker Alex Levitin reluctantly takes a job in New Zealand to save the “worst movie ever”, Shezan: Mistress of the Forest. Things might go easier for her if she didn’t almost run over the standoffish, beautiful local cop on her first day in town. And it’d really help if her film set wasn’t being mysteriously sabotaged.

When Ika Whenu’s Senior Constable Sam Keegan isn’t trying to stamp out a motorcycle gang drug problem afflicting her town, she’s publicly slamming everything about the exploitative film, Shezan, and the Hollywood blow-ins making it. That includes its nerdy, cute director, Alex, who has woeful driving skills to go with her smart mouth.

Against the stunning scenery and chaotic film-set backdrop, attraction flares between the two warring women as they’re forced to work together to find the set saboteur.

This is a Breaking Character spin-off novel that can easily be read as a standalone story.

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Publication Date

November 2019


epub (for Kindle Reader/Kindle Apps, for iBooks, Nook etc.), mobi, and pdf


104,000 words




978-3-96324-297-7 (mobi), 978-3-96324-298-4 (epub), 978-3-96324-299-1 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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7 reviews for Changing the Script by Lee Winter

  1. Ana Leamaro


    Free ARC for an Honest Review

    This spin off from Breaking Character is much better than the original and it’s a great read. It has more secondary characters which offers a more diverse, funny and interesting background to the main characters. As usual the story is very well written and it holds your attention from the start.

    Highly recommend this book and I’m looking forward for the next one!

  2. Betty Harmon


    In Lee Winter’s latest novel, Changing the Script, we get to visit the world she created when she wrote her last book, Breaking Character.

    In this tale we follow filmmaker Alex Levitin as she reluctantly takes on the job of director and savior of the film ‘Shezan, Mistress of the Forest’. The film has been dubbed the “worst movie ever” already, and filming hasn’t even begun yet. The movie is being shot on location near the town of Ika Whenu in New Zealand, a stunning and beautiful area of the country. When Alex arrives in New Zealand, she ends up almost running over Senior Constable Sam Keegan, the only police officer in Ika Whenu. Sam already has some strong and negative feelings about the movie being shot in her town. Her opinion doesn’t improve when she meets the newest director, but the two must work together to uncover the saboteur of the film. This leads to all sorts of serious, funny and romantic adventures.

    I love the way Ms. Winter writes. Her writing style is very distinctive. There’s just something about the flow of words, the sudden bits of humor or sarcasm that she drops into her work that just appeals to me. I haven’t read a book by her yet that I didn’t absolutely love, and this novel is another addition to my favorites category. The scenery is gorgeous, the characters are well-developed, the chemistry between the main characters is electric, and the story is interesting and entertaining.
    Changing the Script is considered a spin-off of the first book, and not a second in a series. That means that you can easily read this book without having read Breaking Character first. However, I loved both books, so I can recommend that you go ahead and read them both. I’m glad I did, and I hope you will too.

    I received an ARC from Ylva Publishing for an honest review.

  3. Karola


    ***free ARC
    You‘ll find everything in this book: friendship, family, conspiracy, action, trust, love.. Lee Winter has done a great job with this one. And the „old“ characters Bess and Summer of her other book Breaking Character are involved, too. I had a really fun time reading this book.

  4. Patricia Iserman


    Another engaging book by Lee Winter.
    Alex ,a movie director and Sam,a cop clash into each other in a small town in New Zealand.
    A mysterious someone is sabotaging Alex’s B- movie.The locals love the money flowing in from the production but hate the sub standard movie.Sam is trying her best to find the culprit but things are just not adding up.
    It doesn’t help that she and Alex are so distracted by each other.
    It’s a wild goose chase through this small New Zealand town with a fancy motorcycle,a pack of “wild” dogs,unhelpful brothers and friends,obscure questions about Shakespeare and facing one’s fears.
    Well worth your time.Enjoy!

  5. Carolyn McBride


    I admit I’ll read almost anything by Lee Winter. Ah heck, I’d probably read her grocery list! So I had high hopes for this book. First off, let me just talk about how gorgeous that cover is! Eye-candy, right there! I was curious about how ‘the worst movie ever’ could be saved, and that alone kept me reading.

    I cheered the progression of the film, Melody’s growing acting skills, the changes Alex made, the many times she stuck her neck out and the bravery of Sam. The way she stuck her neck out for the dogs quickly made her a hero in my eyes. I loved the dogs, Sam’s dedication to Bruce (the senior Jack Russell) and the sub-plot with Dino. I enjoyed seeing some of the characters from Winters’ other books as well. It was good to see familiar faces again.

    This book is les-fic romance for sure, with a couple of sub-plots going on. It’s not as good (in my humble opinion) as some of Lee Winter’s other works (The Red Files springs to mind), but it’s a pleasant piece of fluff, perfect to read while hunkered down in the sheets, cuddling one’s sweetie.

    I was fortunate to be given an ARC copy in return for my honest opinion. Thank you Ylva and Lee Winter!

  6. Kiwigirl55104


    Another AMAZING book by Lee Winter!

    Alex is an Indie film director and she is in trouble. Her ex messed up on her taxes and she is in serious debt! To solve her problem she agreed to go to New Zealand to direct what is being called the worst movie in the world. Being the third director on the movie, she has high hopes of turning it into something decent, but it won’t be easy. Within hours of arrival, she manages to get lost, nearly hits a beautiful motorcyclist and when she finally does manage to make it to the set, she finds so many problems she almost doesn’t know where to begin! Sam is the only constable in the town where a movie company has settled to make a piece of crap movie, She is disgusted by the whole thing especially since the costumes are so revealing and degrading, that the women in the movie are ashamed and are being ridiculed and harassed. On her one day off, she decides to go for a ride on her motorcycle only to come seriously close to being hit…. When Sam finds out Alex is the director, sparks fly and Sam wants less than nothing to do with the adorable pixie. When there is sabotage on the set, Sam finds herself working with Alex and discovers Alex might not be so bad after all.

    What an incredible book! It was full of adventure, action, drama, love, lust, family, loyalty and responsibility. The storyline was wonderful and I simply adored it. I loved all the behind the scenes goings on of a movie set. Watching Alex work was a thing of beauty. The characters were amazing, deep, realistic and some totally loveable. The setting…oh my, the background of the tale is so spectacularly beautiful and so well described I could have been there…I wish I were! Alex and Sam are feisty, strong, independent and very opinionated. They both have a strong sense of right and wrong and aren’t afraid to get in your face about it when necessary. There really is nothing wrong with this book at all and I look forward to reading it again and again!

  7. Word Saviour

    (verified owner):

    Oh, how I loved to visit New Zealand through this book. Miss Winter takes the reader by their hand and opens up a set of whole new worlds.

    – there’s all about the movie business (profoundly researched as ever)
    – there’s New Zealand (which is definitely on my travel-bucket-list) which you can see right before your eyes only
    because of the enticing descriptions
    – there’s mystery, action, falling in love and learning to trust that there IS someone who sees you, all of you
    – and there’s always that special touch – i.e. music (‘Malka Moma’ is on powerplay on our sound system, as is ‘Hine e

    What I love about Winter’s novels is the perfect mix of humour and profundity – ‘Changing the Script’ is no exception – want to read some quotes?

    “You inspire me. That’s one of the important things in life, really. Love, laughter, and inspiration.”

    “But that’s the thing about life, isn’t it? It’s not meant to stay the same. If it does, you’re not doin’ it right.”

    “Alexandra, last time I checked, you create indie masterpieces about intense emotional journeys using esoteric societal metaphors. You don’t do fun.”

    “Aged twenty-four, she had glorious, long blonde hair and perfect eyebrows that probably had their own Instagram page.”

    I squealed when Skye had her first appearance in the story (Summer’s mother from ‘Breaking Character’) I loved ‘Breaking Character’, but this, I don’t know,
    this is unique in its own class!

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