Chemistry Lessons by Jae

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Author: Jae


A beautiful friends-to-lovers lesbian romance about taking risks and figuring out that sometimes the perfect person has been right in front of you all along.


Kylie and Regan have been best friends since kindergarten, supporting each other through thick and thin.

While everyone thinks they would be perfect for each other, they insist there’s no chemistry between them—and Regan should know since she’s a chemistry teacher.

To prove it, they agree to a little chemistry experiment: they’ll go on three dates with each other.

So what if their gazes start to linger and accidental touches no longer feel platonic? They chalk it up to the romantic atmosphere—until a friendly good night kiss turns passionate.

Can their friendship go back to the way it was before? Do they even want it to? Or will they risk losing what they have for a chance at love?

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Publication Date

July 2021


epub (for Kindle Reader/Kindle Apps, for iBooks, Nook etc.), mobi, and pdf


73,000 words




978-3-96324-548-0 (mobi), 978-3-96324-549-7 (epub), 978-3-96324-550-3 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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5 reviews for Chemistry Lessons by Jae

  1. Pow


    Wonderful book about unexpected chemistry of long time friends turning lovers full of nods of other couples of jae verse and it’s gonna melt your heart and tear up.
    Needless to say I absolutely loved it .
    jae first foray in friends to lovers pairing is masive success 🙂
    go read this u won’t regret it.

  2. Betty Harmon


    For those of you who enjoy reading friends-to-lovers stories, the next novel you should pick up is Chemistry Lessons by Jae. This is the third in a series of books all written in the same universe with the main characters from each story appearing in some fashion in the next novel. I really like the idea of these connected tales, and appreciated seeing characters I’ve bonded with in other novels still together and in love.

    Leave it to a high school Science teacher to try to prove there is no “chemistry” between herself and her best friend of twenty plus years with a “Science experiment”. That is the premise of the romantic tale of chemistry teacher Regan Romano and school cafeteria worker Kylie Wells. The results of this experiment create a story that is sometimes humorous, always touching, and very romantic.

    This is a slow-burn romance which this author is an expert at writing. I admire how Jae begins the story with a bit of…ahem…chemistry between the two main characters, and then we get to watch it grow slowly though the book adding just a bit of angst along the way to make the story more interesting. I’m a sucker for this type of novel.

    She is also an expert at creating loveable characters that make the sweetest couples. Regan and Kylie are great examples of this. The secondary characters are quite memorable as well, especially since two of them, Denny and Eliza, are the couple from Jae’s novel, Wrong Number, Right Woman. It was really great seeing them still together and in love.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, as I have all of the books I’ve read by Jae. If you love slow-burn, friends-to-lovers, low angst romances, then make sure you read Chemistry Lessons.

    I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

  3. ZeesReadingNook


    I have to admit I have a soft spot for Regan, given our mutual love for chemistry and chemical reactions! Chemistry Lessons is a wonderful, heart-warming story of two best friends finally realising that the reason they have never been in a long-term relationship with anyone else is because what they are looking for is right in front of them.
    As can be expected from one of Jae’s novels, the characters have considerable depth and dimension – Regan is flirty and mischievous, appearing bold in the surface but with a heart of gold underneath. I especially loved the portrayal of Kylie – her vulnerability, and her reluctance to commit to a relationship in case it destroys a very precious friendship, is very relatable.
    The romance is slow-going in the first part of the book – in fact, it feels like as the readers, we see the connection long before Regan and Kylie even dare admit it to themselves. However, once they acknowledge this possibility, the sparks really start to fly – to see Kylie (really) believe in her dreams for the first time was awesome.
    It was also great to see Denny and Eliza from WNRW again, and Regan’s family were absolute gems. If you are looking for a gentle, slow-burn romance with wonderful secondary characters, this book is for you.
    If I had one little niggle, I would say that Regan’s constant use of chemistry-related analogies is a slightly off-putting – as a chemist, I rarely bring chemical lingo into my everyday life, so I found it strange when Regan used chemistry phrases so many times in the book.
    All-in-all, a recommended read!

  4. stephasselin


    **Previous review filled with typos, please ignore and focus on this one **

    Kylie and Regan have been best friends since forever. As the years went by, they went through so many things together (from discovering who they were to family drama, and all it entails) it seems frivolous in their minds that they are made (and clearly perfect) for each other, as more than best friends. After Regan, the chemistry teacher decides that the best way for them to get their friends off their back with the redundant subject was to go on a date (…or three …) to validate and prove to them how platonic their friendship is and always was…
    With Chemistry Lessons, Jae hit us with a wonderful masterpiece once again. I’ll be honest, I am not that surprised. As usual, the main characters are funny, brilliant and strong women. The rest of the cast is all coming together perfectly to create their perfect little world. I loved how oblivious Ky and Regan are towards how they act to one another. As if it was the most common thing to leave toothbrushes and clothes at a best friend’s house, enough so those past girlfriends might have had trouble figuring out how to fit in their lives without being the third wheel since both of them act so much like partners already.

    I must admit, I am a real fan of books under the “Friends-to-lovers” trope, and even more when they are written so perfectly. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, probably because it feels close to home since it is the way I’ve met and fallen in love with my soulmate.

    The writing in this one is even better than any other previous books I’ve read by Jae. It seems her writing is ageing like fine wine, getting even more perfect and sophisticated with every new release she offers her readers. I loved having the usual easter eggs thrown in the book, and even more since there are a lot of them in this one. The friendship between characters of previous books makes it all even better, like welcoming old friends to a party.

    I particularly adored how accurately written were the moments as ‘’best friends’’ and the moments when you see them act more like ‘’lovers’’. It was as if they were two different couples with a part of their worlds colliding at times. It was both adorable and efficient. I loved how they just know and finish each other’s sentences as much as their food plates.

    If you are looking for a great night spent “shipping” two lovely (and clearly blind to the obvious) best friends, then I sure advise you to grab a copy of Chemistry Lessons as soon as possible. This one goes to the top of my list and I will be waiting (…not so…) patiently for the audiobook to be added to my collection, as this is a story I want to read and have read to me a lot more times soon.

    RainbowMoose’s Reviews
    *I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review, but will be buying the other available options as soon as they are available*

  5. The Lesbian Book Blog


    Jae takes an old tried and true friends to lovers trope and does something really clever with it. She develops a romance between two best friends via a dating experiment. She plops them in a Petri dish and lets nature take its course, so to speak. With Kylie and Regan’s close friendship and long history, love is bound to happen; she just gives it the time and attention it needs. Cultivating romance and sexual attraction meticulously under the scope of an experiment, Jae enables readers to buy into it effortlessly. Readers are able to see Kylie and Regan together just as easily as their friends do. And, when the two do come together, everybody gets an HEA that they can cheer for.

    There is a long list of things to find delectably scrumptious about Chemistry Lessons, namely Kylie and Regan. These two leading ladies are extremely likable and carry the romance effortlessly. Readers are quickly swept up in their little “dating” experiment. Though their friendship is deep and abiding, they’ve always persisted in ignoring anything that signaled more. After being enlightened while fake-dating, they are forced to examine their true feelings. When they realize that they do indeed have chemistry, both women are finally able to see that it was there all along.

    Jae always has interesting secondary characters, and Chemistry Lessons is no different. She does a fantastic job of developing them and they simply shine on the pages of this book. Working together like a well-choreographed ensemble, they help to give shape and dimension to the storytelling. Their presence manages to push the story arc in the most heartwarming ways. Additionally, they aid in giving credibility and accountability to the storyline. Their well-crafted use is just one more example of why Jae is an award-winning writer.

    Because Jae is a master storyteller, she understands the importance of building sound relationships amongst the characters. These relationships prove to be essential in establishing relatability; she knows it’s vital in romance writing and she demonstrates it perfectly in this book. The bonds that this cast of characters share with one another are beautiful. They add generous and glorious color to the landscape of this story, and it’s precisely what makes this story so endearing. I found myself smiling right along with Kylie and Regan’s friends, family and coworkers as they tease and prod the two. Their dynamics really elevates the mood of this romance. It all works together to culminate into a fun and entertaining read.

    Final remarks…

    Don’t hesitate to add Chemistry Lessons to your reading pile. It is absolutely adorable! Jae has taken one of lesfic’s favorite tropes and given it the perfect twist, making this friends to lovers romance a true stand out. Filled with tender moments and big time chemistry, it’s a guaranteed good time. I wholeheartedly give it two thumbs up!


    Light-hearted, easy reading
    Likable characters
    Fun storyline
    Fantastic character dynamics

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