Connected Hearts – Four Lesbian Romance Stories

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Authors: Jae, Joan Arling, and RJ Nolan


Jae: The Morning After
After a friend sets her up on a blind date from hell, Amanda has enough of dating. A spur-of-the-moment decision to attend an Anti-Valentine’s Day party leads to an unexpected encounter. She wakes up to a hangover and a surprising complication…

RJ Nolan: Two Hearts—One Mind
Kim is a woman on a mission: She wants to propose to her partner, Jess, on Valentine’s Day. But things don’t turn out as planned, because Jess has a plan of her own…

Joan Arling: On the Road
Stella, a long-haul trucker, picks up a hitchhiker on her way south across Europe. Long before reaching Sicily, she falls for her passenger, Rita. Stella is thrilled when she learns that Rita returns her feelings. But because of her job, there seems to be no way for them to be together.

Jae: Seduction for Beginners
For Annie, work always took precedence over romance. But now, recently come-out and involved in a relationship with a woman for the first time, Annie is determined to seduce her girlfriend, Drew, on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, she has no clue as to the arts of seduction.

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Publication Date

January 2013


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36,000 words




978-3-95533-045-3 (mobi), 978-3-95533-046-0 (epub), 978-3-95533-047-7 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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2 reviews for Connected Hearts – Four Lesbian Romance Stories

  1. Ameliah Faith

    (verified owner):

    Wonderful Stories
    I ADORE this book! Three of these stories are follow ups to wonderful books and all four are perfect as stand alones as well.

    1) The Morning after by Jae – This is the beginning of Departure from the Script, the first of Jae’s Hollywood series.It is an excellent series!
    2) Two Hearts one Mind by RJ Nolan – This is a tale about Jess and Kim from Ms Nolan’s La Metro. It is romantic and sweet.
    3) On the road by joan arling – I loved this charming story about a lady truck driver and her sexy hitch hiker. It was funny and endearing.
    4) Seduction for beginners by Jae – A beautiful follow up to Something in the wine. Drew and Annie take things to the next level. Sigh….
    If you have not yet read these books you are in for a treat, enjoy!

  2. Adan Ramie


    I had already read and reviewed The Morning After, but I enjoyed the other stories in this book. Two Hearts – One Mind was a sweet story, one that takes place after a Happily Ever After ending and only makes it better. On the Road wasn’t my favorite, but the chemistry between Stella and Rita is undeniable. And Seduction for Beginners was another adorable, sweet, sexy story by Jae.

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