Not-So-Straight Sue (Girl Meets Girl – Book #2) by Cheyenne Blue

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Book Two in the Girl Meets Girl Series

Author: Cheyenne Blue


Lawyer Sue is totally, completely straight. Then she meets cute doctor Moni. Things get awkward. And kind of gay. And awkward again. A coming-out romance about small towns and big dreams.

“Sorry, I’m straight.” Those words, along with a smile, are how Sue Brent turns down women. The Australian lawyer, living in London, has the line down pat, but the truth is buried deep. So deep that sometimes Sue even manages to convince herself she’s not a lesbian. The only person in London who has ever seen through her façade is Moni, an American tourist.

After a date goes disastrously wrong, Sue has to confront the truth about herself. Leaving London, she returns home to Australia and buries herself in running an outback law practice in Queensland.

When Moni arrives in town to work as a doctor, Sue starts to see a path to happiness for the first time. But can their exciting new relationship survive the arrival of an unexpected visitor? Sue’s teenage, first love, Denise, has tracked Sue down to Mungabilly Creek to ask a favour.  Okay, definitely not awkward at all…

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Publication Date

October 2016


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86,000 words




978-3-95533-598-4 (mobi), 978-3-95533-599-1 (epub), 978-3-95533-600-4 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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10 reviews for Not-So-Straight Sue (Girl Meets Girl – Book #2) by Cheyenne Blue

  1. Karola


    *free ARC for a review*
    If you expect action, tragedy or something like that, you won’t find these things in this book. But a good love story, a coming out after years of denial and a nice view of the australian outback. This book is a good read, but for me the missing part is the exciting expectation of what comes next, so you almost can’t put away the book. Although I think I’ll read the other two books in the “Girl meets Girl“ series anyway.

  2. Jane


    *ARC supplied by YLVA through netgalley for review*
    I was pleasantly surprised by this novel. Once I had read the book I found that it was actually book 2 in the Girl-Meets-Girl series, however this book has enough bones to be a standalone novel (I did go back and read book 1 after this and was able to recognise some references from this book that were in the first but nothing earth shattering is missed).
    Sue Brent is an up and coming lawyer in a London law firm when she realises that she is homesick for the Australian Outback where she grew up but had left abruptly after her secret was revealed years before. After throwing in the towel at her job and getting rid of her worldly possessions she jumps on a plane back to her beloved Australia. Following a quick stop over (to quell a few ghosts) in the town where she grew up she heads off to take over a one-person firm in far outback Queensland. Along the way she picks up a host of very likeable supporting characters and the scenery descriptions will have you wiping the red dust from your brow.
    The introduction of the other main character Moni a loud, proud, Texan was quite abrupt and I did find her arrival a bit inconceivable, however she was a great match for Sue as their story unraveled. I enjoyed the ending however it was also very curt and I felt it could have been more thoroughly explored in another chapter or two.
    As a lesbian romance novel this book is light on the details, but what it lacks in the story line is made up for with stark descriptions of the mostly barren Australian landscape that can easily be the hero(ine) of the story.
    Overall definitely worth a read for the scenery alone!

  3. Renate Z


    Wonderfully described the Australian Outback, what a cool idea to let a story play out there.
    I enjoyed the characters, would have loved a few chapters more….
    Can really recommend this book ..long winter nights are ahead and this is a perfect light read for this time of the year!

  4. Karen Mcintosh


    Cheyenne Blue has written a beautifully evocative love story, set in the Outback of Australia, with a main character who stole my heart. Sue has spent the last ten years away from home, escaping from a situation she can’t face. She is a lesbian, but to the world she is straight, as admitting the truth runs too many risks for her. Only one woman, Moni, sees through the facade, but she is on the other side of the world and Sue faces her dilemma alone. When homesickness finally gets to her, Sue decides to pack in her fast-paced London life for a law practise in Mungabilly Creek, Queensland. Only then can she accept who she is and hope that others will do the same. I loved Sue’s touching coming out and how she blossomed as a proud, at-ease, confident woman. When she meets Moni again their attraction is intense and the sexual tension between them is off the scale. Cheyenne Blue is a skilled writer and she made me feel so invested in their relationship. As well as being so emotionally touching, the love scenes were scorching. Rarely have I read any so wonderfully descriptive and effective. I also found myself in love with the Outback and its people and landscape. I could almost taste the red dust! I am really looking forward to more in this vein and note that a new novel featuring Felix, a pivotal character in this book, is due out soon. I highly recommend this amazing story.

    I was given this ARC free by Ylva Publishing in return for an honest review.

  5. Nadine


    When i first started the book i wasnt so sure if ist a good idea to read it first since ist a 2nd book of a serie, but while reading I didn’t have the feeling I missed something. Its save to say that you cant easily read this book without the first one – but of cause it probably always is nice to start with the first book.
    The storyline is amazing many people probably can relate that from time to time – especially in the beginning it is hard as a lesbian woman in a straight world. The Main Character Sue has to deal with this problems and runs. When she gets homesick she finally stands up and face her life and accepts herself for who she is. She can’t believe her luck when she sees Moni again, the only person who saw tru her lies and made an effort. I absolutely loved the tension and feelings between the two main Character Moni and Sue, I had the feeling I walked with them every step of the way in their relationship thanks to the amazing writing style of Cheyenne Blue.
    I was given this ARC free by Ylva Publishing in return for an honest review.

  6. jane shambler


    Ok firstly I want to point out that I did not know that this is the second book. That to be honest is due to the talent of the author as I did not feel I didn’t know all the story. Ok maybe not in depth but enough to enjoy and understand this one which I did immensely. I found it at times sad and very realistic, I also found it very amusing, several times I caught myself giggling away. I think many people can relate to this book and in some ways their stories are similar. It’s an easy paced book and very well written. You will probably laugh, cry, shout and scream but then thats what its all about. You become involved in the book and the characters are very realistic and could even be your friends. Have fun reading it I’m off to find book one.

  7. pharridge


    I loved reading this book as much, if not better than the first in the series! The characters are interesting and make you want to find out what their story is. I liked seeing the progression of Sue from a support character in “Never-Tied Nora” to the central character in this book. Moni adds fun, friendship and the possibilty of something new for Sue. Combining old friends, family history, a small country town and a cast of interesting locals provides the perfect backdrop for a great read.
    Cheyenne enables the reader to visualise and feel what Sue is going through with a tight writing style that is very enjoyable. I look foward to Book Three!

  8. Dee


    Given Sue was my absolute favourite supporting character in Never-Tied Nora, I couldn’t wait to dive into her story. Did it live it to my expectations? Hell yes! Sue is a heroine I found myself able to relate to on so many levels. Living across the ditch from Aussie, the down under setting was a treat for me. I also love to get around in a campervan, so that too was a bonus. Although there’s not so much red dirt in New Zealand.

    So the story starts out with Sue’s road-trip through the outback. Along the way she encounters Felix. I loved their outing on the horses, the writing was so vivid I felt like I was riding along with them. The attraction between Sue and Felix is instantaneous and undeniable. They steam up the pages for a short time before Sue and her dog, Ripper, continue on their way.

    Over the course of her journey, Sue keeps in touch with Nora and various friends via emails and skype whenever the internet allows it. And of course this involves ‘coming out.’ The story behind why Sue was in the closet is heartfelt and, I’m sure, an all too common occurrence.

    The first 50% of this story is a slow-burn, low on angst, more of a feel good read. Then Moni joins the mix. Thus begins the relationship between Sue and Moni. They are hot together, and their relationship goes deeper than lust and sex. I need to say here, I actually found it a little odd that the most erotic, on-page scene was between the main character and a side-character, rather than the main characters. It wasn’t a deal breaker for me, but still…

    The fact Sue is a lawyer added depth to the story, without bogging it down with legal jargon. It certainly made it interesting when an old foe came seeking her services.

    From that point the drama picked up, the required miscommunication ensued, and despite the fact I found the outcome rather predictable I thoroughly enjoyed reading along.

    Just for the record – I know Aussies and Kiwis alike often say moved towards, forwards, backwards, etc. But I’ve not met a single person who says… “I look forwards to it.”

    The story flows at a good pace and the characters are well developed. Mrs T. needs an honorable mention as she too was a delight. All in all, this was a very enjoyable read which I highly recommend!

  9. Nikki Vanderhoof


    This is Cheyenne Blue’s second full length novel, and the follow up to the first in the series “Never-Tied Nora”. In NsSS we follow Sue as she comes to terms with her sexual identify and deals with painful events from her past that have kept her from being who she truly is deep down.

    I’ve really enjoyed this series so far as Cheyenne draws out beautifully normal characters, dealing with episodes in their lives that many of us can relate to. NsSS wasn’t overly angsty, it was more real to life. So there weren’t a lot of super dramatic events and declarations. There is one part of the story that is Sue dealing with someone in her past, which also puts some strain on Sue and Moni’s budding relationship. It felt realistically dealt with, though. The characters are adults, and while they aren’t perfect, they deal with their issues in a true to life grown up way. They don’t all of the sudden become stupid irrational teenagers.

    I loved the secondary characters introduced in this and would love to see more with Mrs. T in the final book to the series, “Fenced-In Felix”, which I’m also really looking forward to as I loved her character in NsSS!

    I would highly recommend this story to anyone who enjoys f/f romance. NsSS doesn’t necessarily have to be read after Never-Tied Nora, but it is recommended so that you get the full story on everyone that is involved in NsSS.

    I received a copy of this story from the author in exchange for my honest review.

  10. Betty Harmon


    What a lovely, romantic story.
    I have loved every Cheyenne Blue book I’ve ever read and this one is no different. The characters, Sue and Moni, are delightful and very human. They have their quirks just like we all do. While I was reading, I found myself talking out loud to them, saying things like “No, don’t do that, you’re going to get in trouble”. Which of course, they did.
    The setting is awesome. Cheyenne describes the Australian outback in a way that makes me want to go there and see all of the wonderful things she describes. This is a heartwarming and beautiful love story, worthy of Cheyenne Blue.

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