The Awkward Truth by Lee Winter

(7 customer reviews)

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Author: Lee Winter


This funny opposites-attract lesbian romance digs up the awkward truth about what really matters in life.


Ambitious ice queen and corporate lawyer Felicity Simmons has spent her life focused on one thing: scuttling up the career ladder. She’s achingly close to taking charge of a media empire for her boss when she’s sent to investigate a South Bronx charity that helps homeless people’s pets.

Has the charity made off with her boss’s generous donation? And who on earth is that gorgeous soft-butch veterinarian who looks as if she could toss a Shetland pony over one shoulder? Not that Felicity has any interest in some opinionated Amazon or her adorable fleabag of a dog.

Felicity is quite sure she will not be distracted, thank you very much. She has a minor mystery to solve, a mentor to impress, and her life’s dream to fulfil. Even if a distraction might be exactly what she needs.


The Awkward Truth takes place during the last half of Lee Winter’s The Brutal Truth but can easily be read as a standalone story.

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Publication Date

November 2021


epub (for Kindle Reader/Kindle Apps, for iBooks, Nook etc.), mobi, and pdf


102,000 words




978-3-96324-584-8 (mobi), 978-3-96324-585-5 (epub), 978-3-96324-586-2 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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7 reviews for The Awkward Truth by Lee Winter

  1. Karola


    ***free ARC
    Felicity is very smart, beautiful, soon to be boss of Bartell Corp and awkward. When she has to go and investigate the dissapearing of a donation from her boss to a charity, she thought that should be easy, right? But she didn‘t count on a very dedicated vet, a cute dog and her betraying feelings. This is a funny book, sometimes I wanted to slap some sence into Felicity, but all good comes in the end. If you liked The Brutal Truth you‘ll sure like this one, too.

  2. Ana Leamaro


    ***free ARC
    Love the book. As usual Lee Winter didn’t disappoint with her new book. I was surprised by this lovely story because it was not what I was expecting. I thought it would be something more about though business world so it was a wonderful surprise. She makes us aware of a very difficult world but without an overly dramatic approach.
    I highly recommend this book. Probably the best one so far of this author. Great job! Looking forward for the next one!

  3. pharridge


    I do love a good ice queen on the precipice of shattering! Lee Winter is the ultimate author of the ice queen trope and I love reading her books. Once again she has put together a fantastic book, great characters immersed in an interesting storyline that kept me turning the pages. Can’t wait for the next book! Free arc for an honest review.

  4. Betty Harmon


    The first book I ever read by Lee Winter was The Brutal Truth. I fell in love with her writing because of that novel. After that, I read every book and short story I could find of hers, and adored each & every tale. My favorites list is filled with her stories and now has a new addition with the latest novel by Ms. Winter, The Awkward Truth.

    This is a “sidequel” of sorts (a term coined by Shannon Luchies for the author) since the books are set in the same universe and the same time period. With The Awkward Truth, we get to read the story of Felicity Simmons. Felicity is driven to be the best at her job, and to make it to the top of her field. She went from being the Chief of Staff at Bartell Corp to deputy COO for the company. Now she is about to become acting COO…the very top and most powerful position she can achieve in the company. Then the owner, Elena Bartell sends her out to investigate a charity that helps homeless people’s pets. There she meets veterinarian Dr. Sandy Cooper. Cooper is the total opposite to Felicity. Cooper is a soft-butch Amazon-sized vet with a heart of gold and a love for all animals. Felicity is a prim-and-proper ice-queen businesswoman, laser focused on her career. They seem to have nothing in common…except that chemistry that seems to grow each time they meet.

    This is the perfect opposites attract, ice-queen romance with characters (both human and animal) you can’t help but love, discussions of serious real life issues, and a minor mystery that is well written into the story. The tale is heartwarming, heartbreaking, hilarious, sarcastic, and romantic. It has everything you expect from a Lee Winter novel, and more.

    You can read The Awkward Truth as a standalone novel if you wish, but I’m absolutely sure that once you do, you will want to read The Brutal Truth as well so you might as well get them both. They have my highest recommendation.

    I received an ARC from Ylva Publishing for an honest review.

  5. The Lesbian Book Blog


    Lee Winter’s latest book is well written and completely entertaining. There’s much to enjoy as she delves deep into the “icy-ness” of Felicity Simmons and scripts changes that are so deliciously executed, I’m still in awe. She snips her apart with an exactness that’s unnerving at times, but it must be done for Felicity to acknowledge her misguided assumptions and skewed reality. Once her flaws are fully bared and acknowledged, she begins a transformation that is both revelatory and remarkable. Readers take a front-row seat to watch her sort through some hard-held beliefs and personal truths. Felicity’s journey is a compelling one, and it ultimately leads her to a greater understanding of life, love, and true happiness.

    Winter is known for penning tales filled with the most frosty ladies in lesfic, and this one is a nice addition to her chilly collection of icy ladies. Her character development is exceptional and really gives readers pause. Ice queens are typically known to be prickly characters that are not immediately liked by readers, but Felicity’s edge brings it to a whole new level. Her fortress-like walls keep people at a safe distance, and that’s just how Felicity likes it. She needs no one. She has her ambition, her job and all the nice things that money can buy. Yet, in quiet moments, she sometimes wonders if life has more to offer.

    Fans of the ice queen trope know all good ice queens are “de-iced” by a love interest, a love that they didn’t know they needed or desired. But once they realize they do, they must have it. This love is pivotal to inspiring change in them and yielding insight for not only them, but the readers as well. Everyone is allowed glimpses inside the ice queen’s heart, revealing all the good, the bad, and the ugly. This aching need usually prompts a soul searching within the ice queen that’s paid for in emotional coinage and uncertsinty, but this always garners empathy from the readers. They begin to understand her and see her potential, maybe better than even she does. Most of all, however, they believe ice queens should have a shot at happiness, too.

    This is how readers find Felicity in the The Awkward Truth. She is reaching out for something so good, it’s downright scary to her. When the hard shelled, take no prisoners Felicity Simmons stumbles upon the kindest, gentlest soul she’s ever seen, she develops a desire for her unparalleled by anything she’s ever known. She must be near her; she lowers her walls and lets her in. This generous, compassionate woman shows her just what she’s been missing in her life–companionship, joy and affection. Once Felicity sees this, she wants more of it, and readers do too. However, no one is prepared for the emotional turmoil and vulnerability that’s unleashed inside Felicity. Readers’ emotions are upended as they watch her struggle. Winter’s masterful use of literary devices leaves them shredded and wondering, “how did this frosty woman worm her way into my heart?”

    Well, I’ll tell you. Winter uses Felicity’s love interest Sandy Cooper and Felicity’s boss Elena Bartell quite brilliantly as tools to develop Felicity’s character, that’s how. Sandy Cooper, better known as Cooper, is a veterinarian at Living Ruff New York, a charity that serves the homeless and their pets. Readers know Elena from Winter’s previous novels The Brutal Truth and Sliced Ice. Both of these characters inspire Felicity to take a good look at herself and examine her priorities. Felicity, sadly, is her own worst enemy, and a change in her outlook—and approach—is sorely needed. Her internal struggle is compelling, heartfelt, and smile-worthy. Unfortunately, it’s also painful at times, but that can’t be avoided. Felicity needs to understand self-worth isn’t measured by money or power.

    Winter gives readers a solid, engaging read with this one. The Awkward Truth is well-told and well-crafted throughout. The character development is clever and effective, making it an enjoyable ice queen, opposites attract read. Readers who enjoyed The Brutal Truth and Sliced Ice will certainly enjoy The Awkward Truth. Felicity graces readers with her presence both of these, but her starring role in The Awkward Truth is well deserved well played. Readers should be cautioned though: Felicity will tug at your heart. As it turns out, prickly, clueless ice queens can melt into a puddle over soft butches and furry pets.


    *employs strong character development
    *contains a compelling ice queen
    *contains a charming love interest
    *possesses charismatic secondary characters
    *the writing is intelligent
    *the story is soundly crafted

  6. matsu


    This, another bit of Lee Winter brilliance, starts as a romcom but soon goes into mystery mode, weaving a yarn of corporate and legal intrigue.

    The main character, Felicity Simmons, wants to be just like her ice queen boss, Elena Bartell (from The Brutal Truth), so she takes on a case that should be easy.. and done very subtly and without ruffling any feathers.

    Add a charity, its vet and other workers, the vet’s pet dog, and life in the not-so-sunny side of the street, and poor Felicity is out of her depth.

    Hint: Don’t start The Awkward Truth late in the evening, you’ll want to stay up all night reading it. Also, don’t read it at night if there are other people around, or you’ll run the risk of waking them up with your giggles.

    Brilliant, yet again.

  7. Ameliah Faith


    Brittnay for the Win!
    Corporate Lawyer, soon to be COO of Bartell Industries and ice queen Felicity is back in this stand-alone book that takes place during the last half of Ms Winter’s The Brutal Truth. As Elaina is poised to hand over the reins of her media empire, she has an assignment for Felicity. Find out what happened to her donation to an animal charity that is claiming to be on the verge of closing down. She is to think and act on her own, do what she must to uncover the truth in any way she sees fit and act accordingly. When she meets the hot as sin, amazon vet Cooper, she suddenly finds that she has just the tiniest bit of trouble focusing…Cooper is super dedicated to the charity that helps homeless people’s pets. She has an affinity to these people and will do whatever she can to keep things running steadily, even if it means basically babysitting the frosty blond woman who is exactly her type and makes her think naughty thoughts…. As the mystery unfolds, the two women grow closer but when its solved, will they really go their separate ways or can love unthaw the powerful ice queen?

    OMG! This book is WONDERFUL! It is full of the awesome sarcastic, snarky and witty banter that filled the pages of The Brutal Truth. I LOVED the give and take that Felicity and Cooper share. The chemistry between them is also a wonderful thing to observe. And the sexy bits…don’t get me started on the sexy bits…MMM…Oh and I cant forget Loki and Brittnay, those cuddly beasts melt even the hardest hearts! The story is so good! If you have read The Brutal Truth, you already know how persnickety Felicity is and that carries through in this book. Its fascinating to see her open up and learn things aren’t always black and white and sometimes rules are more harmful than helpful. Spoiler Alert, she actually mellows a bit BUT I noticed she never took down her bun so she is still icy self, no need to worry. There are some life lessons in this book, nothing in your face so to speak but rather quiet things that are good to remember and memorize. The main one is that people are people no matter their situations and they deserve the same respect as anyone else. You never know if someday it could be you…. Ok back to the gushing. This special tale is full of delicious drama, strong women and the people who love them. It’s a bit romantic, a bit whimsical, a bit furry but mostly a LOT of fun! Pick this up NOW and don’t hesitate to read it or even better listen to it in audio format. You will not be disappointed!!!

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