Wrong Number, Right Woman by Jae

(10 customer reviews)

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Author: Jae


A single text message can change everything! 

Flirting has never been Denny’s strong suit, but so what if she’s too shy to ask women out? She’s content with her simple life, working as a cashier and helping her sister raise her niece.

But then she gets a wrong-number text message from a stranger named Eliza, asking her of all people for dating advice!

Eliza is Denny’s total opposite: witty, outgoing—and straight. Despite their differences, the accidental text sparks an unlikely friendship. Soon, Eliza—self-proclaimed queen of disastrous first dates—would rather banter back and forth with Denny than to keep trying her luck at online dating.

When they meet in person, there’s an instant connection. But what Eliza is feeling can’t be attraction, right? It doesn’t mean a thing that she’s starting to wish the guys she dates would be more like Denny. Or does it?

Can the wrong number lead to the right woman after all? 

Wrong Number, Right Woman is a light-hearted, slow-burn lesbian romance that embraces likable characters without all the drama.

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Publication Date

August 2020


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116,000 words




978-3-96324-402-5 (mobi), 978-3-96324-403-2 (epub), 978-3-96324-404-9 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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10 reviews for Wrong Number, Right Woman by Jae

  1. Betty Harmon


    Every once in a while I read a book that just melts my heart, puts a cheery grin on my face, and happy tears in my eyes. That is exactly what happened when I read Wrong Number, Right Woman by Jae. I’ve never read a novel of Jae’s that I didn’t like, but I just fell head-over-heels in love with this one. This is one of those feel-good stories that you want to read over and over again, especially when you are having a bad day, a bad week, or in the case of most of us, a bad year.

    Jae’s characters, especially her main characters are always well-developed. Denny and Eliza are perfect examples of this. They are very realistic and human, with flaws and quirks like all of us. They are also absolutely adorable and loveable. The setting of the story takes place in the same world as several of her other books including the Portland Police Bureau Series as well as her novel Under a falling Star. In fact, Dee and Austen, the main characters from Under a Falling Star are secondary characters in this novel. I’ve always liked how Jae connects her books this way. Don’t worry if you haven’t read these other books yet. This is definitely a stand-alone novel, just in the same world.

    The story itself is amazing. The way Jae has these two women meet and slowly get to know each other is wonderful. She weaves a tale that grabs you on the first page and pulls you by the heart strings to the very last page of the epilogue. Jae is the queen of slow-burn romance, and this book shows you why.
    Wrong Number, Right Woman has my highest recommendation and is worth every star I can give it. If you need a book to escape from a crappy day (or year), then grab this novel and enjoy!

    Thanks to Ylva Publishing for giving me the chance to read and honestly review this novel.

  2. stephasselin


    Denny, 41 years old, is a multifunctional worker at the Grocery Port, a great sister to Salem and an amazing aunt to her 11 years old niece, Bella whom she helped raise. When it comes to other areas in her life, like flirting or dating, she has not mastered them at all. When Denny’s phone ring while she is home alone with Bella, and she receives a text and a picture from Eliza, asking for fashion advice, her life changes, and as one text turned into hundreds of back and forth, Wrong Number, Right Woman has you turning pages one after the other. Eliza loves crafting and cannot connect with any of the men she dates. When her best friend Heather gets her a membership profile on No More Frogs for her thirtieth birthday, she ends up in a dating frenzy, having her mistakenly text a number that was supposed to be Heather’s but was Denny’s in search of advice on what to wear. The rest is history.

    I loved that the whole book takes place in Portland, which has been a great part of a few of Jae’s novels. I smiled like an idiot when I realized Austen and Dee were in that novel, as I had just finished relistening to Under a Falling Star the day before.

    I might be biased, but I must admit that I have been looking forward to that book for as long as it was first mentioned. I do not know why but people meeting online has always been part of my favourite storyline for years. Sadly, up until now, the number of released books fitting this description was almost inexistent, only a few come to mind.

    As usual, Jae’s characters are perfect from their highest qualities to their deepest insecurities. It was fun to read the back and forth between them, and how they are all connected.

    I loved that Eliza was able to understand Denny’s shyness and introvert way of acting/reacting in most situations, and how they were both so good to the other. I also admire Eliza for being so upfront about her feelings, without putting a label on herself, even if up until Denny’s the possibility of ever connecting with a woman was out of her mind. The fact that both women had big insecurities about their looks and bodies also made them more human and approachable.

    I cannot explain what makes this story so good and hit so close to home for me, but I love how immediate friendship without having met in person seems so unattainable to some, yet others thrive in those friendships. I love that the bond that exists is so strong, that even most of the real-life friendship have trouble competing with it.
    I do know from experience that hiding behind a phone, or a screen does help connect, and share some things you probably would have felt too exposed to share with real-life friends. And the fact that whatever the question is, you have the time to find the right way to express your feelings, or what any conversation means, I find beauty in that. I do believe there is something beautiful and amazing that can be reached when two people must put words to explain their feelings or make sure to properly explain so that the other knows exactly what is happening. And Jae portrayed that with so much efficiency, the storyline blew my mind.

    Bonus points for the ”date/ not date” at the Carnival since Eliza wanted to meet Denny before anyone else could. The feeling overload was beyond anything I was planning to read.

    I feel like this review is a total rambling from my part, but it is ok. I feel strongly about this story and I would recommend this book to anyone, and for those who really loved Something in The Wine, I felt like the friendship/relationship struggle was close to it and enjoyed it. I wish there were more books like those.

    Grab your copy as soon as it becomes available, you won’t regret it.

    *I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

  3. Ameliah Faith


    This is a cute story about Denny and Eliza. Denny “meets” Eliza when she accidently texts a help me with my outfit message to her instead of her BFF Heather. Denny lives with her sister and niece and works hard to help support them. She is shy and a bit insecure about her physical appearance and because of all these things, she has no love life. Eliza is perky and bubbly but doesn’t have much of a love life either. Her BFF, Heather, has set her up on a dating website to meet men. When she tries to send a “help me with my outfit” message to Heather, she accidentally sends it to Denny instead. Its not long before a friendship is formed but what happens when Denny develops a secret crush and much to Eliza’s surprise, she starts wondering about her sexuality….

    As with all things Jae, this is a sweet and mushy tale. Jae has been giving us more than the typical lesbian story lately. This story includes Eliza who eventually identifies as queer and Heather, a trans woman. This is no big deal, just something different for lesfic readers. I loved Denny’s character. She’s adorable, so supportive of her family and so painfully shy but willing to do anything for someone she cares about. I loved watching Denny and Eliza chat and get to know each other. Eliza is so wonderful and patient with Denny, and truthfully, they really balance each other out. I also loved all the interaction with Denny’s sister and niece and Eliza’s family and her friend Heather. The Pride day scene was great!!! I loved all the feels and the sexy bits, the warm fuzzies and big smiles… This book is a wonderful addition to the Jae family of stories!

  4. R. McCraley

    (verified owner):

    The premise of this story is really cute, and I gladly read the book in one day. The characters are fleshed out really well, and I loved reading about these two characters and all of their flaws and quirks. The story was believable, and I loved how they fell in love over time. That was my favorite thing, really…how they made the transition from friends to more.
    I totally recommend this book and will read others by this author.
    I rated a 4/5 because I feel like the end was a bit abrupt. Slow burn for sure, but then characters got together and boom, epilogue. It just seemed like there could have been more time devoted to their navigation as a couple. Other people may not mind it, but I was so invested, I kind of did.
    All in all, a good read.

  5. matsu


    Jae’s latest is exactly the kind of feelgood romance we need at this time. It’s cute and funny, but also very relatable at times.

    Denny is the delightfully realistic butch main character, who works as a cashier and helps her sister take care of her niece. One day, she gets a message on her phone from a strange number… and begins to chat with the sender, Eliza, who turns out to be a fun person to talk to. So they become sort of pen-friends.

    Denny is pining after her niece’s school bus driver, Eliza goes on one failed date after another. And they talk, compare experiences — even though Eliza is straight and the complete opposite of Denny — and soon Eliza is more interested in Denny than new dates found online.

    The slow-burn romance is written so well you won’t mind the slowness; instead you’ll root for Denny and Eliza, laugh at the mishaps and coincidences, and likely enjoy every page. The side characters, Eliza’s best friend, and Denny’s family, are a hoot. Actually, I wouldn’t mind getting to read Heather’s story one day!

    Yes, there are a few more serious topics, but nothing angsty, and the novel is more like a warm hug from a friend, not an agonizingly slow trip to Dramaville.

  6. Carolyn McBride


    ‘Wrong Number, Right Woman’ is Jae’s best book since ‘Backwards To Oregon’, and that’s saying a lot of an author who has written over 24 books!
    This is a heart-warming, feel-good, soul-soothing novel about two women that seem to be complete opposites. I don’t read a lot of romance, but I’d read anything by Jae.

    The characters that populate this novel have misgivings and insecurities, just like the rest of us. Denny is painfully shy, Salem has put her life on hold for her daughter, Eliza is flailing her way through first dates…all of which demonstrates Jae’s skill at making her characters relatable.
    We are drawn along as Denny and Eliza connect over a misdirected text, as they forge a friendship, as Denny’s walls slowly erode, and the whole time, we cannot help but fall in love with the raw emotions of each of them.

    Trust underlies the entire story, and family. And the trust we each search for from the families of our blood, and our choices. In this chaotic and frightening times, we need a literary balm that we can lose ourselves in. ‘Wrong Number, Right Woman’ is that balm for our souls.
    If you’re looking for a WLW novel that will leave you with a warm glow when you read the last page, this is the book for you.

  7. gayveanne

    (verified owner):

    Wrong Number, Right Woman by Jae gave me the best WLW Hallmark feel. This slow-burn romance gave all the feelings and the small nuances to being there with them. I can’t wait for the audiobook. What a wonderful treasure for positivity and true warm hug delights.

  8. Vel Van Natta


    I am a big fan of Jae books, so was not surprised how this book flowed. I will agree with one reviewer though. I wanted more at the end, I was too invested in their relationship to have it end like it did. But then again, with a good book you always hate the ending. Yes? Good job on very nice romantic novel.

  9. Ana Leamaro

    (verified owner):

    First I would like to say that some of the best romances I’ve read were written by Jae. This one, which I more or less like it, it’s not one of them. The story is cute, the characters are cute and for me that’s a deal break, hence the 4 starts. I like characters with strong personalities and sense of humor, not cute. I think Heather could be better represented. Being a trans is even harder than being a Lesbian and we could have learn a lot more, like we did in “Perfect Rhythm”. This is a slow burn romance, but too slow in several parts, however it’s a very well written story and it has very good parts. If you like cute stories, and cute characters than I recommend this book, if you don’t well it’s still a very well written book.

  10. Monisha Das


    WOW! I enjoyed it so much! I can’t wait for the audiobook, even better if the narrator is Angela Dawe!

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